Archaeologically and Culturally Significant Localities
Cyril and Methodius Tangible Heritage
Living Cultural Heritage
Geographically, the mission itself and its cultural heritage covered a relatively large territory. Great Moravia covered mainly the localities of the Czech Republic (its eastern part) and western Slovakia, but also Hungary and Austria. Slavic Lower Pannonia included mainly present-day Hungary, but also Croatia and Serbia. Before and during the mission, the life story of Saints Cyril and Methodius also took place in the regions of present-day Greece and Turkey, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Ukraine and Russia ( the territory of Crimea and historical Kievan Rus). Once Cyril and Methodius’ direct followers were expelled from Great Moravia, the Cyril and Methodius cultural idea and its content spread among the Slavs living in the territory of present-day Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia and Southern Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, as well as Kosovo, Montenegro, Romania, Moldova and Poland. As a consequence, today the Cyril and Methodius heritage is present in all the countries writing in Cyrillic/Azbuka.
- All
- Albania
- Austria
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Italy
- Moldavia
- Montenegro
- North Macedonia
- Romania
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Ukraine

Archaeological areas of Aquileia
Aquileia is an ancient Roman city in Italy, at the head of the Adriatic at the edge of the lagoons, about 10 kilometres from the sea, on the river Natiso (modern Natisone), the course of which has changed somewhat since Roman times. Today, the city is small (about 3,500 inhabitants), but it was large and prominent in classical antiquity as one of the world’s largest cities with a population of 100,000 in the 2nd century AD and is one of the main archaeological sites of northern Italy.

Archaeological locality "Na Díle" Modrá
The uncovered foundations of the church, discovered in 1911, are the subject of controversy among historians. Some believe that the church was built during the Iro-Scottish missions, before the arrival of Cyril and Methodius in the first half of the 9th century. The other part considers it to be a church of the Cyril and Methodius period. The hypothetical form is represented by the reconstruction of the entire church building.

Archaeological museum Veliki Preslav
The museum has a rich collection of all the significant monuments of medieval Preslav, among which: the jewelry from the Preslavian Golden Treasure, a monumental ceramic icon of St. Theodor, an iconostasis and many other precious artifacts of painted ceramics; numerous ancient signs and one unique collection of lead seals. Exhibitted are hundreds of items revealing Preslavians life and economy from past times.

The Monastery of Patleina area, Veliki Preslav
It is located 2.5 km south of the fortress walls of the old capital Veliki Preslav. The remains of a church and south of it the residential and monastery premises were discovered. In its immediate vicinity, there are workshops for making ceramic decorations and facilities for washing, sedimentation and purification of the white Preslav clay. A masonry tomb with six burial chambers is preserved under the northern wall of the church.

Archaeological Open-Air Museum Modrá
It represents a fortified settlement from the time of Great Moravia (9th century) with walls, dwellings, workshops, farm buildings and palaces of princes and bishops built on the basis of real archaeological findings. The open-air museum lives by everyday life, educational performances, programs, experimental smelting of metals, production of ceramics, agricultural production and constantly carried out archaeological research.

Archaeological site "At Špitálky"
This important polycultural locality hides not only the negatives of the foundations of the Great Moravian temple, but also traces of a much older settlement – the culture of ashtray fields with corded pottery or the culture with Moravian painted pottery dating back to the younger Stone Age. The site of the national cultural monument “Špitálky” is located on the so-called Velehrad promontory and forms the south-western part of the Staré Město, which was established after 1918.

Archeopark Chotěbuz-Podobora
In the local forests, on the elevated hill, there was a fortified settlement, which was once protected on one side by the Olše River and on the other side by a moat and steep slopes. The fortified seat was first built here in the late Bronze Age and older Iron Age. A few hundred years later, it was replaced at the same place by a fenced early medieval Slavic fortified settlement, the approximate appearance of which is being reconstructed by today’s Archeopark.

Baška Glagolitic Alphabet Trail
The Baška Glagolitic Alphabet Trail is a tribute to the ancient Glagolitic script, the oldest known Slavic alphabet. This script played a crucial role in preserving the Croatian language and culture during centuries of foreign rule. As you stroll along the trail, you’ll encounter 34 stone sculptures, each representing a letter of the Glagolitic alphabet. These sculptures are strategically placed at significant sites throughout the Baška Valley, creating a fascinating open-air museum.

The Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome
The Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is the most breathtaking early Christian Basilica in Rome, which has become an important destination for pilgrims from all over the world. It is the most ancient Roman shrine dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the Western World. In this Basilica in 867, Pope Hadrian II., in the presence of Saints Cyril and Methodius, he placed Slavic liturgical books on the main altar and approved and permitted their use. You can admire the fresco of Cyril and Methodius.

Basilica of San Clemente, Rome
Basilica of San Clemente is just a few steps from the Colosseum, which hides treasures. Saints Cyril and Methodius brought the remains of Saint Clement to this church. One of the oldest churches in Rome, where St. Cyril found his final resting place. The complex consists of three historic buildings. Cyril’s tomb can be seen on the site of the original 4th-century Christian temple. The tomb has inscriptions in several languages, expressing gratitude to Cyril for his missionary work.

Basilica of Santa Prassede, Rome
The Basilica is the titular church in Rome near the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. The church is famous for its early medieval mosaics. The church was built by Pope Hadrian I in 780 on the foundations of an older building from the 5th century, where the remains of Saints Praxeda and Pudentiana, who was executed around 165, transfered here. In the adjoining monastery, which was run by Greek monks, during their stay in Rome, St. Cyril and Methodius lived there.

The Patriarchal Basilica, Aquileia
Since december 1998 Unesco world heritage, along with Aquileia, the Basilica Patriarcale has been a place of art, culture and spirituality over the last 1700 years. It was first built after the Edict of Milan ( 313 a.D.), and it was probably one of the most ancient Christian churches of the world; the mosaics covering the two parallel halls ( north and south) date back to that very first period. Soon covered and replaced by other stuctures, they came to light in 1909 only.

Benedictine Monastery Rajhrad
There used to be a large fortified Great Moravian settlement called Rajhrad on the location of today’s monastery grounds. The monastery is one of the oldest and most famous monasteries in Moravia. The monastery has long served as a center of culture and education. Today you can visit the abbey church of Saints Peter and Paul and the Monument of Literature in Moravia with a historical library. The permanent exposition presents Moravian literature during the last ten centuries.

Branč Castle, Podbranč
Archaeological findings here document a settlement already from the younger Stone Age (Neolithic) 3 thousand years B.C. It is the only documented settlement also inhabited in the Great Moravian period in the Myjava basin. After the Celts, the Slavs rebuilt the fortress in a strategically important position on an elevation above the road between Moravia and the Danube region and inhabited it until the nearby Branč stone castle was built, when it lost its importance and disappeared.

Bratislava Castle
Bratislava Castle is a set of buildings in a historical complex on the left bank of the Danube in Bratislava. The castle is dominated by the monumental structure of the former royal palace, which forms an inseparable panorama of the Slovak capital. With its role in the history of Great Moravia, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and modern Slovakia, Bratislava Castle represents an important monument of the socio-historical development of the area.

Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Terchová
The architectural dominant of Terchová, a village famous as the birthplace of the legendary folk hero Juraj Jánošík, is the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius – the largest church dedicated to the Thessalonian brother in Slovakia. The church was built in the 1940s and, in addition to a place of prayer and meditation, now serves as a tourist attraction. There is a unique all-wood movable Betlehem in its vestibuleof the church.

Church of Saint Margaret of Antioch, Kopčany
One of the oldest preserved churches in Slovakia, dated to the 9th or 10th century, is situated in the land registry of the village Kopčany. Today’s small Chapel of St. Margaret of Antioch was probably a part of the “suburb” of Great Moravian hill fort “Valy” near Mikulcice (Czech Republic).
The chapel is preserved in the pre-Romanesqeu form, only slightly influenced with Gothic style. During centuries it served as a pilgrim Chapel.

Church of the Holly Cross, Bratislava-Devín
At the entrance to this church from the 13th century, it is impossible to overlook the sculpture of St. Cyril and Methodius, which refers to the sight of this place with their mission to Great Moravia. The flood single-nave Romanesque floor plan of the church gradually expanded to the Gothic three-nave. The remains of Romanesque, Renaissance, Gothic, Baroque and Classicist architecture can be seen here.

Chapel of St. Cyril and Methodius, Radhošť
The brick, shingled chapel of Saints Cyril and Methodius adorns the 1129 m high Radhošt’ mountain. Together with the Pustevny Mountains and the statue of the pagan god Radegast, it forms a trio of monuments visited not only by people from Bohemia but also from abroad. The foundation stone was consecrated in 1896 and two years later the finished work was consecrated by the Archbishop of Olomouc, Theodor Kohn.

Devín Castle, Bratislava
Built on the top of a high crag, it towers over the small village of Devín and the confluence of the Danube and the Morava rivers which form the border with Austria. Up to 1989 the Iron Curtain was drawn below the Castle, lined with barbed wire. Along the Danube, under the Castle and further up the Morava, the Morava cycle-path leads through landscapes untouched for decades. Above the village of Devín, the highest hill of Bratislava is criss-crossed with a number of way-marked paths

Nitra Castle
Imagine yourself standing on a hilltop, overlooking a breathtaking panorama of the city of Nitra. Below you, the modern city unfolds, a vibrant tapestry of life. But your gaze is drawn upwards, towards the imposing silhouette of Nitra Castle, a majestic fortress that has witnessed centuries of Slovak history unfold. This is not just a castle; it’s a crown, a symbol of power and resilience, a testament to the enduring spirit of the Slovak people. Nitra Castle is a must-visit destination .

Castle Hradec nad Moravicí
The State Castle Hradec nad Moravicí became a national cultural monument in 2002. It is a popular tourist destination and a cultural and social centre of the Opava region. The White Castle offers visitors two sightseeing tours, a separate historical exhibition and a picture gallery. The main tour also leads through the restored northern wing of the White Castle with the reconstructed seven rooms of the prince’s apartment. The complex includes the neo-Gothic Red Castle and the White Tower.

Hillfort Kostolec-Ducové
It is a Great Moravian settlement and an important archaeological locality. Thanks to its favourable position near important ancient roads, the locality became inhabited already in several periods of prehistory. It had the form of a grand manor with an area of approximately 0.5 ha. At present, there are the remains of a Great Moravian court dating from the 9th century, with the preserved foundations of a rotunda-shaped church and a period reconstruction of part of a stake enclosure.

Hillfort Majcichov
The hillfort was located at an important commercial crossroads. Majcichov already existed in this period under the name of Majtech as a small settlement on the local today’s upper street below the church. A watchtower probably stood on the site of the church. A whole network of service settlements was formed around the Majcichov hillfort. In this period the people of Majcichov embraced Christianity, which was consolidated by the old Hungarians after the hillfort had disappeared.

Hillfort Mesciská-Pružina
Several important sites and artifacts have been discovered in the area of the village and close neighborhood, including a depot of bronze jewelry dated to early La Tène-period and gold and silver Celtic coins (Michalová Hill). In Pružina-Mesciská, a hillfort existed in the Early Middle Ages and several Slavic burial mounds have been discovered in the wider area. A large iron depot discovered in Mesciská dated to the Great Moravian period is the largest collection of this type in Slovakia.

Hillfort Molpír, Smolenice
Remains of fortifications, dwellings, smelting furnaces, towers, fortified gates, sacrifices or water reservoirs carved into the rock are clearly visible in the terrain. The economy of the settlement was based on crafts (ironwork, bronze casting, stone firewood production, weaving) and trade. A fortification with three defensive walls, a prehistoric settlement and a cairn have been discovered on the site. All finds from the hillfort are located in the Molpír Museum in the municipality of Smolenice.

Hillfort Staré Zámky, Brno-Líšeň
Staré Zámky Hillfort is located on a rock promontory surrounded by the Říčka stream about 1.5 km northeast of the city part of Brno-Líšeň and is currently an archaeological monument reserve . The prehistoric hillfort was inhabited in the Younger Stone Age, the Older Iron Age and the Celtic Age. It was later restored during the Great Moravian Empire (830-906), when a fortified settlement stood here, which became the administrative centre of the Brno area.

Zalavár Historical Memorial Park
The Zalavár Historical Memorial Park is a treasure trove of historical artifacts and monuments. The area has been continuously inhabited since the 9th century, and its significance is highlighted by the presence of ruins from various eras. Notably, the park is home to the remnants of Saint Adrian’s Church, a revered pilgrimage site. The Zalavár Historical Memorial Park is not just about ancient ruins; it is a vibrant cultural hub. The park offers a serene environment where history comes alive.

Memorial of Great Moravia - Cyril and Methodius Centre
The Memorial of Great Moravia – Cyril and Methodius Centre in Staré Město introduces visitors to archaeological findings from the region and the life of the Slavs. Its first part was built in the 1960s over the foundations of a Great Moravian church with a large burial site. Visitors will see replicas of period clothing, shoes, rare jewellery, working tools and other finds from archaeological excavations.

Monastery and Church of the Our Seven Sorrows Lady, Šaštín-Stráže
The most striking dominant feature of the Šaštín-Stráže town and an important place of pilgrimage is the monumental complex of sacral buildings consisting of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, the former monastery of Pavlínov with farm buildings, the chapels of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows and the Pieta sculpture. The Minor Basilica of the Virgin Mary of the Seven Sorrows is one of the most important churches in Slovakia. Construction began in 1736.

National Historical Archaeological Reserve Pliska
Archaeological studies of the first Bulgarian Christian capital Pliska started in the last quarter of the 19th century. Today, the remains of Pliska are quite fully opened and well-studied. During 20th century, the church in the Little Palace, the Grand Palace, and the Grand Basilica opened. The large monastery complex was built in the 9th century. There the disciples of Cyril and Methodius were probably welcomed by Prince Boris I.

Ostrá skala Hillfort, Vyšný Kubín
An important Celtic and later Slavic settlement in the territory of Orava was Ostrá skala (Sharp Rock), located north of Vyšný Kubín. It lies in close proximity to another important settlement – Tupá skala (Dull Rock), mainly known for its settlement from the Lusatian culture. From the southern side, the hillfort is protected by 50 to 70 m high rock walls, while the northern side has a gentler slope, used in prehistoric times for an access road. These are natural landmarks in Orava region.

Pilgrimage Site Křtiny
An important monument of Baroque architecture, a place of pilgrimage with the Church of the Virgin Mary designed by Jan Blažej Santini. It is Santini’s largest building on the ground plan of a Greek cross. The complex is masterfully set in the landscape. One of the most visited pilgrimage sites in Moravia. The whole area consists of the church, ambits and St. Anne’s Chapel. This complex, together with the parish buildings and the chateau, is located in the middle of the village of Křtiny.

Place of Pilgrimage, Velehrad
Velehrad is one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the Czech Republic. The pride of the parish is the Baroque basilica with the adjacent buildings of the former Cistercian monastery. The history of this place began more than 800 years ago. In 1927 the local church was granted the title and privileges of basilica minor. Thousands of pilgrims have been coming to Velehrad for centuries, and Pope John Paul II joined them in 1990. Velehrad is an important spiritual centre, a place of frequent church pilgrimages, gatherings and Cyril and Methodius celebrations.

Pobedim Hillfort
The hillfort is one of the oldest fortified sites of the Danube Slavs. It was fortified with a rampart built by a chamber system. On the outside, an earthen rampart reinforced with wood protected the stone wall and on the inside the rampart was supported by sloping supports. A wooden palisade was set into the crown of the rampart. There were watchtowers in certain parts of the rampart. The fortified centre was the residence of the Grand Duke with his retinue and servants.

Pohansko Hillfort, Břeclav
The Pohansko archaeological museum complements the exhibition in the castle, which presents the life of the ancient Slavs from the perspective of the latest archaeological findings. Outside there are replicas depicting the Great Moravian cult, production and residential area. Pohansko was an important center of power in the period of Great Moravia, which was probably ingeniously located at the crossing of the river Dyje, with more functions.

Rila Monastery complex
For Bulgarians, the Rila Monastery is far more than just a beautiful historical site; it is a living testament to their enduring spirit, a symbol of national resilience, and a powerful link to their rich cultural and spiritual heritage. Nestled amidst the imposing Rila Mountains, this UNESCO World Heritage Site has played a pivotal role in shaping Bulgarian identity for over ten centuries. Throughout its long history, the Rila Monastery has endured numerous trials and tribulations.

Saint Clement Hillfort
The hillfort on the hill of St. Clement was known in prehistoric times, archaeological excavations have shown a settlement lasting from the 9th century to the end of the 15th century. The conveniently situated and well-protected location on the old trade route that connected Pomerania with Brno was already used by settlers during the Great Moravian Empire (9th century). According to later tradition, they even built a church here, where the relics of St. Clement were kept.

Saint Hypolit Hillfort
Hradiště is a place with more than a thousand years of history. It offers valuable architectural monuments, beautiful nature, breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and in summer also a visit to archaeological excavations. The local part of Znojmo, called Hradiště, is situated on a high rock promontory above the Dyje River, within sight of Znojmo Castle and the famous St. Catherine’s Rotunda. It lies on the border of the Podyjí National Park.

Slavic Hillfort Mikulčice
The Slavic Hillfort in Mikulčice is undoubtedly one of the most important sites related to the early history of our state. It was one of the most impressive fortified settlements of Great Moravia. In its time, the Mikulčice hillfort was a water castle, which was surrounded by the rugged arms of the Morava River. It is a place whose life ended more than a thousand years ago and has preserved its secrets until the 20th century, undisturbed by other historical events.

Staré Město near Uherské Hradiště
Several agricultural and artisan settlements were established in the area of today’s Staré Město as early as the 6th century. The best known are the Na Valách settlement and the Na Špitálkách settlement. In the vicinity of the churches of St. Michael and St. Vitus, the foundations of four Great Moravian churches with burial sites have been found and specialised craft workshops from the 9th to 10th centuries have been uncovered. The Cyril and Methodius Centre was recently opened here as part of the Great Moravia Memorial.

St. Methodius Height, Uherské Hradiště
An archaeological site of cultural significance, which contains the relics of a set of Great Moravian sacral buildings built in the 9th century. This area is also the place where the activity of Cyril (Constantine) and Methodius of Thessaloniki is often placed. The Great Moravian complex in Sady has been protected as a cultural monument since 1963 and as a National Cultural Monument since 1969. The site is freely accessible, equipped with information boards.

St. Nicolas´ Basilica, Trnava
The silhouette of Trnava consists of the towers of many churches, for which the city is nicknamed… Little Rome. A significant monument is the Basilica of St. Nicolas, whom the people of Trnava do not say otherwise than the Rough Church. It has become an important place of pilgrimage. Even today we can still admire frescoes from this period in the church vestibule, Gothic portals or tracery windows, leaf bolts of the vaults hiding human faces. The first mention of the church dates back to the second half of the 11th century.

Supraśl Orthodox Monastery
Step into a living history book at the Supraśl Orthodox Monastery, a sanctuary steeped in centuries of tradition and faith. Nestled amidst the tranquil forests of northeastern Poland, this remarkable monastery offers a captivating journey through time, connecting visitors to the rich tapestry of Slavic Orthodoxy and the lasting legacy of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Founded in the late 15th/early 16th century, the Supraśl Monastery quickly rose to prominence as a vital center of religious and cultural life.

The Temple of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Thessaloniki
The church of Saints Cyril and Methodius in their birthplace, Thessaloniki, located in the New Promenade of Thessaloniki, was inaugurated on the 27th of March, 1983. Officially opened its doors on the 12th of May, 1985, during the three-day celebration of Saints Cyril and Methodius, dedicated to the 1.100th anniversary of the death of Saint Methodius. there is a monument in the form of an open book with the faces of saints and the Russian alphabet in front of the Church.

The Church of St. Clement & St.Panteleimon at Plaoshnik, Ohrid
The original Church of Saints Clement and Panteleimon is believed to have been built when Saint Clement arrived in Ohrid at the request of Boris I of Bulgaria and restored an old church. Sources say that Saint Clement was not satisfied with the size of the church and therefore built a new one over it and assigned Saint Panteleimon as its patron saint. Saint Clement used his newly created church as a liturgical building and a place for teaching his disciples in Old Church Slavonic and Glagolitic alphabet.

Trenčín Castle
The dominant feature of Trenčín and the whole Povazie region guards the ancient trade routes connecting the Mediterranean region with the Baltic States and northern Europe. On the site of today’s castle stood a fortress in the period of Great Moravia as the administrative centre of the adjacent region. Today’s castle was built in the 11th century as a border fortress guarding the important weigh fords and important Carpathian passes, through which the trade routes.

Veľký vrch Hilffort, Divinka
The most important site in the village is the hillfort on Veľký vrch. The hillfort is located on the border of the Žilina and Bytčianska basins, directly above the Hričovská dam and is one of the most important fortifications in northern Slovakia, which became important economic and cultural centres in at least three time horizons: the Late Bronze Age, the Late Latin Age and the 9th century. The fortifications on Veľký vrch are not among the smallest either. Even today one can see massive ramparts encircling the upper plateau of the hill.

Archeopark Martinský vrch, Nitra
Martinský vrch was inhabited as early as the Late Stone Age. At the end of the 8th and in the 9th century, a huge fortified settlement with a dense settlement lay on the terrace of the Nitra River. The area also included the Romanesque Church of St. Martin from the 11th century. Its origins date back to the pre-Romanesque, perhaps already Great Moravian period. It had a square apse, probably also a tower.

Benedictine Monastery, Hronský Beňadik
The village lies at a strategic crossroads between Pohronie and Ponitrie. The dominant feature of the village is the monastery complex with the church of St. Benedict situated on a rocky ridge. It is one of the most beautiful preserved monastery complexes in Slovakia. The monastery and the church were built in the 11th century, on the site of an early medieval settlement.

Bargala was a Byzantine fortified town constructed between the 4th and 6th century, a period spanning Late Antiquity and Early Byzantium. Today it is an archaeological site and a visitor attraction in the Karbinci Municipality, North Macedonia. Archaeological excavations have uncovered a basilica, trade quarters, a water tank, a bath, and a fortification system with an impressive main gate and infrastructure.

Bucovina, Sucevița Monastery
The church of the Sucevița is a Eastern Orthodox monastery and nunnery. It is one of the eight depicted churches, accepted by the UNESCO World Heritage List from 1993 to 2010. These churches with external mural paintings of northern Moldavia, built from the late 15th century to the late 16th century, are masterpieces inspired by Byzantine art. They are authentic and particularly well-preserved.

Budapest – Hungarian National Museum
The Hungarian National Museum collects, preserves, and presents the historical relics of the Carpathian Basin and Hungary since 1802. The museum houses a great number of collections. One of them is the famous Zalavár archaeology collection. The finds date from the 9th century to the 17th century and were recovered from settlements or cemeteries since 1951.

Cathedral of St. Vitus, St. Wenceslas, and St. Adalbert in the Prague Castle
Metropolinan Cathedral, a prominent example of Gothic architecture; UNESCO heritage site houses plenty of masterpieces of art, dedicated to SS Cyril and Methodius stone bas reliefs – of Cyril and Methodius in the lunettes of the Cathedral Cyril and Methodius relief on wooden gates inside of the Cathedral, 20th century 2 statues – of St. Cyril by Václav Levý, 1870 and of St. Methodius by Josef Václav Myslbek, 1870 in the Chapel of St. John the Forerunner Scenes from the life of St. Methodius and St. Cyril on stained glass window by Alphonse Mucha from the thirties of the 20th century. “St. Methodius baptizes St. Ludmilla”, Bronze statue by Karel Pokorny, 1933.

Cetine – National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević”
Crnojević – the last ruler of the independent principality of Zeta (Montenegro), founded the first printing house for Cyrillic books on the Balkans. It started working in Obod and then in the monastery of Cetine. At the beginning of 1494, the first book, the so-called “Oktoich for the first tone” was published. Another peak in Montenegrian early printing marks the printing activity of Bozhidar Vukovic.

Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb
The Academy is a national research institution for promoting and organizing scientific research. Moreover, the institute encourages the application of the findings of this research, develops artistic and cultural activities, and is concerned with Croatian cultural heritage and its affirmation throughout the world.

Chernivtsi, The Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans / The University of Chernivtsi
The characteristics of Chernivtsi are its architectural ensemble. Since 2011 the cultural heritage site is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. The Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans represents a masterful synergy of architectural styles built by Czech architect Josef Hlavka from 1864 to 1882.

St. Martin´s Cathedral, Bratislava
This cathedral is the main church of the Bratislava Archdiocese. At the beginning of the birth of this impressive architectural work, the papal consent was given to the relocation of the Prepost church from the castle to the castle grounds. The request of the Hungarian king Imrich was approved by Pope Innocent III. in 1221. Reconstruction of the former parish church began in the 14th century. and imprinted a portrait of a new Gothic church…

Emauzy, the abbey church of the Virgin Mary, St. Jerome and Slavic patrons
The monastery was founded on November 21st, 1347, by King and later Emperor Charles IV. Also, to the Virgin Mary, he chose St. Adalbert and Procopius, SS Cyril and Methodius, and Jerome (who was then thought to be the author of the Slavic script). He invited Croatian monks to the monastery, who served the Roman liturgy in Slavonic and used the Glagolitic script.

Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish Church at Theumermarkt, Vienna
The Roman- Catholic Parish Church was consecrated in 1995. Its Mission statement explains the patronage of Cyril and Methodius because of the church location on Brünnerstrasse, was the former trade route to Moravia. Special attention to young people – there are multiple events for them, such as Prayer Circle “Loretto of SS Cyril and Methodius” (Loretto Gemeinschaft Cyril and Methodius) and an Youth Fair every month.

Parish of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Thessaloniki
In the year 2000, on the initiative of Dionysios, at that time Metropolitan of Neapolis and Stavroupolis, a parish, named Saints Cyril and Methodius, was established in Nea Politeia, a district in Evosmos, a suburb in west Thessaloniki. Its existence began in the sixth Elementary School of Evosmos, also called the School of Cyril and Methodius.

Haus Wittgenstein with the Monument of Saints Cyril and Methodius
The Monument of SS Cyril and Methodius was placed in the Witgenstein’s garden after the House became Bulgarian Culture Institute of Vienna in 1976 to become a centre for the celebration on the 24th of May – the Feast of Cyril and Methodius and the Bulgarian Culture. Unlike the building, the monument of the Holy Brothers is not popularized, except as an emblem of the days of Bulgarian culture.

Hillfort Bíňa
The village of Bíňa lies on the right bank of the river Hron. Hradisko is located on an elevated terrace dominating the surroundings, whose natural location was used in the construction of the fortifications. The fortification consists of three ramparts surrounding the area with an area of 107 ha, which was on the eastern side, towards Hron, protected by a steep slope…

Hillfort Bojná-Valy
The Slavic hillfort settlement of Bojná – Valy was settled in the 8th – 9th century and fulfilled an important defensive, craft-trade and missionary function. The most important finds include gilded plaques and a bell, which are evidence of the Christianization of our population before the arrival of St. Cyril and Methodius…

Hillfort Mužla
In the early Middle Ages, a hillfort was divided into two parts, which were separated by a road leading to the Danube. Its area was fortified on three sides, on the south side there was probably no fortification, probably due to the unusually vertical bank 3-4 m high, which was a natural protection. The locality had an important economic function in the period of Great Moravia…

Hillfort Neštich, Svätý Jur
The location is located on the outskirts of the Little Carpathians. It is bordered on two sides by valleys and streams. The hillfort has an elliptical shape with an area of 8.5 ha and consists of an acropolis and two fortifications. The oldest settlement was probably located on the acropolis. On the northwest side there were two fortifications, which were also fortified by a fortification and a moat.

Chappel of SS Cyril & Methodius and folklore feast “Cirilovo”, Sunger, Mrkopalj
The Sunger village is located in the municipality of Merkopal in Gorski Kotar, in the mountainous region in Nord-west Croatia, famous with ski resorts, woods, and caves. The Chapel was built and dedicated to Cyril and Methodius in 1863 thousand years after the Moravian Mission was celebrated. Since then, the two Slavic saints are patrons not only of the village church but also of the community of Sunger.

Starý Tekov Hillfort
In the middle of the village there is an elevated trachyte hill, surrounded by the river Hron and its tributary by the stream Perec. It is divided into three parts, while in the northeastern part there is a cemetery, and in the southwestern part there are family houses and gardens. Thanks to its natural location and the character of the terrain, a hillfort from the early Middle Ages was probably situated here…

Klášťov Hillfort
On the highest peak of the Vizovice Hills (754 m above sea level) lies the highest Moravian hillfort – Klášťov. The hillfort was built here in the late Bronze Age. The function of the hillfort as an important fortified center in the Great Moravian period was also documented. The mountain probably served to ceremonial purposes…

Hrastovlje, municipality of Koper
The Church of the Holy Trinity with the Dance of the Dead frescoes by Johannes de Castua (John of Kastav) from 1490 has a pseudo-basilica three-nave design surrounded by a 16th century camp wall, which the village churches were fortified against the Turkish threat. The inside of the church is full of paint.63 On the north wall, the nave depicts the march and the homage of St. Three Kings.

Humac Museum in the Franciscan monastery
The Humac plate was primarily located in the church of Archangel Michael at the site of Grebina on Humac near Ljubuški. Probably this church was demolished in the middle of the 16th century. When the church of St. Ante and the Franciscan monastery on Humac (1867) was built, the plate was walled up into the right side of the eastern entrance. It was taken out of that wall in 1958 and housed in the monastery museum.

Inkerman – Sevastopol
It was founded in 1850 on the site of a medieval byzantine monastery. There, the relics of St. Clement were kept, before their removal to Constantinople-Moravia and Rome by Saints Cyril and Methodius. The early christians are supposed to have kept the relics in a cave, which could be visited only on the anniversary of St. Clements’ death.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral, Zagreb
The Cathedral was founded at the end of the 11th century. Its present Neo-Gothic look originates from 1880-1906. The building underwent reconstruction after a severe earthquake, and new altars were constructed. The majestic church is of great architectural and artistic value. Pope Leo’s XIII encyclical Grande Munus of 1880, includes the feast of the Slavic Apostles on the general calendar of the Roman Church. In 1885 the millennium death year of St. Methodius was celebrated at the Cathedral in Zagreb due to solemnity when a Slavic liturgy was held.

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paulus in Brno
Except the Cathedral of SS Peter and Paulus in Brno (No 20 in the 2018 list) a siteof pedagogical and social value could be accepted in the CM Route: Congregation of the Sisters of St. Cyril and Methodius. The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Cyril and Methodius (SCM) is a religious institute of papal law (confirmed by decree on June 25, 1976).

Chişinău – National Archive of the Republic of Moldova
The national repository for documents realting to the political, economic, social and cultural life of Moldova date to the 15th century until the beginning of the 21st century. The most significant fonds of original documents reflecting the social, economic, cultural and administrative life of Moldova for 15th – 19th centuries are the collection of Moldovan medieval acts.

Putney Monastery, Putnea
The Romanian Orthodox Monastery of Putna was founded by the Moldavian ruler Stephen the Great after his victory over the fortress Kilia at the Danube delta and consecrated to the Virgen in 1470. Stephen himself was buried in the monastery, and his tomb is a lively pilgrimage site now.

The church of St. George, Prespa
Prespa is a rural area of natural beauty with a quaintlake and important history. This region’s long history is evidenced by the archaeological sites found on the island of Golem Grad, as well as by the medieval churches and monasteries scattered around Prespa. Island Ail in Prespa Lake was the first capital center of the rule of Tsar Samuel on the territory of Macedonia.

Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius in the Karlín district of Prague
Its foundation stone was laid in 1854 in the presence of Emperor Francis Joseph I, a tribute to the support of the Habsburg monarchy by the First Congress of Panslav in Prague as a political formation that is most likely to protect the peoples of Central Europe.

Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius with Faculty of Theology, Sarajevo
The religious worship of St. Cyril and Methodius in Bosnia and Herzegovina is represented by the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius in Sarajevo, which existed within the theological seminary of Vrhbosna (now Faculty of Catholic Theology). In 1890 the Seminary was established in Travnik. There the seminary and lyceum were initially located and led by Jesuits.

Church of Saint George, Kostolany pod Tribečom
The church is one of the oldest standing sacral buildings in Slovakia. It is situated at the foot of the Tribeč Mountains. The pre-Romanesque building had one nave of irregular rectangular ground plan with a square apse. During the 11th and 12th centuries, minor alterations were made to the interior of the church and at that time it was probably decorated with frescoes…

Church St. Sofia, Ohrid
The Ohrid’s cathedral of St. Sophia is one of the most important monuments in North Macedonia, housing architecture and art from the Middle Age. For a long period of time it was a synodal church of the Ohrid’s Archbishopric. It was built on the foundations of an old sacral building during the period after the big mission of St. Cyril and Methodius, in the period when Macedonian Slavs accepted Christianity in Slavic Language.

Studenica Monastery
The orthodox monastery was built in the late 12thcentury. Since 1986 it is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. Studenica represents the high point of Serbian history. The monastery contains the remains of the first Serbian ruler and the Studenica founder, Saint Simeon, the remains of his wife Anastasia, and also the remains, shroud, and coffin of the first Serbian king, Stephen the First-Crowned (Stefan Prvovenčani).

SS Cyril and Methodius monastery, National Historical and Archaeological Reserve, Borova Gora
The construction of St. Cyril and Methodius monastery in Old Preslav is related to the 1000th anniversary of the death of St. Methodius in 885, the conversion to Christianity of the Bulgarian people nearby Veliki Preslav in 864 and later with the commemoration of 1000 years of Tsar Simeon’s reign.

The National Iconographic Museum “Onufri” is an Albanian national museum dedicated to Byzantine art and iconography in Berat, Albania. The museum is located inside the Church of the Dormition of St Mary in the castle quarter Berat. The museum was named to honor Onufri, a painting Headmaster of the 16th century.

Monastery of the Holy Mother of God in Slivnica, Prespa
Among other treasures of cultural monuments in the region of Prespa is the monastery Mother of God in the vicinity of village Slivnica. Above the west entrance from the inner side of the church there is an inscription saying that it was built and fresco-painted in the times of abbot Nikanor in 1607.

Church of Saint Clement, Močenok
Baroková stavba kostola je situovaná východne od kaštieľa v priestore ohraničenom murovanou ohradou s trojicou brán. Jej jadro tvorí loď zaklenutá pruskými klenbami, rozšírená o novšie bočné lode s betónovými stropmi. Na východe sa na ňu napája svätyňa s päťbokým záverom a kupolou, k nej zo severnej i južnej strany priliehajú sakristie s valenými klenbami.

St. Michael Church, Vienna
The Church is one of the oldest churches in Vienna and one of its few remaining Romanesque buildings, build in 13th century. During the 18th century; celebration on the feast of SS Cyril and Methodius were annually celebrated in the church by the Moravian minority. Famous preachers from the whole Habsburg Empire preached for the Moravian minority at these celebrations. Now, the preaches are kept in Klosterneuburg monastery. The biggest Baroquestyle organ in Vienna and the significant Byzantine altar icon of Our Lady with Child were requisites to the celebrations.

Kotor – National and Cultural-Historical Region of Kotor, UNESCO World Heritage Site
Тhe Bay of Kotor is a strategic natural harbour in the Eastern Adriatic region, and was an important center of arts and commerce during the Middle Ages. The value of the region is embodied in the quality of architecture in its fortified and open cities, settlements, palaces and monastic ensembles as well as their harmonious integration to the cultivated terraced landscape on the slopes of high rocky hills.

Ljubljana – The National Museum of Slovenia
The National Museum of Slovenia was founded by the Carniolan State Parliament on the 15th October 1821, is the oldest of all Slovenian museum institutions. Its six departments collect, describe, preserve, and investigate the mobile cultural heritage of Slovenia for presenting it to the public.

Mojstrana village, Kranska gora
In the 11th century, the first church was built on this site as a small roman chapel, that got its present look in 1640. The legend says that the church was constructed on the spot wherein the year 868 the Saints Cyril and Methodius stayed overnight when they carried the relics of Pope Clement I to Rome. The romanesque chapel was turned into a baroque-style church.

Monumental column “Book-Temple”, Thessaloniki
Likewise, on the premises of the church of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Thessaloniki, a monumental column “Book-Temple”, created by the sculptor Dimitra Stavrinidou, was placed. It has the shape of an open book, whose pages form the images of Saints Cyril and Methodius.