Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

Church of St. Margaret of Antioch in Kopčany

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Church of St. Margaret of Antioch, Kopčany

The Church of St. Margaret of Antioch in Kopčany is the only authentic, almost completely preserved Great Moravian church with its original use and function. The building was originally part of the Slavic hillfort in nearby Mikulčice, where the remains of the foundations of several churches from this period have been found.

The church was probably built sometime during the 9th or 10th century near the Mikulčice hillfort, which lies just 2 km to the west on the road leading east to the Nitra region. There is a fortified area in the south of the church, probably a great manor from the Great Moravian period. Structurally, it was a small building with a simple layout with a longitudinal nave and an irregular square apse, such as were widespread in Europe from the 8th century onwards.

What can you visit here?

It was filmed about Kopčany

Behind Morava in Kopčany

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Chapel of St. Margaret

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Information from history

History of the church

The church was built in the 9th century in connection with the construction of the Great Moravian hillfort Mounds in Mikulčice. It served as a parish church, first mentioned in 1392, until the 18th century.

Where to get tourist information?


Na Velehradě jsou dvě informační centra, kde mohou turisté a návštěvníci získat informace o prohlídkách, akcích, výstavách a dalších aktivitách, které v obci dějí.

Municipality Kopčany

Kollárova 318/13, Kopčany, Slovensko
tel. +421 0908 717 876

Museum in Kopčany

Kopčany 1146, Kopčany, Slovensko
tel. +421 (0)911 086 847

Information office Holíč

Bratislavská 272/6, Holíč, Slovensko
tel. +421 034 32105 82

How to get to the church?

The Church of St. Margaret of Antioch can be reached directly from the municipality of Kopčany along an asphalt road and a pure dirt road. From the main road leading through the municipality in the direction of Holíč, it is necessary to turn left almost at its end. The turn-off is marked with a signpost pointing to the monument. If you were coming from Holíč, the signpost is missing from this side. Shortly after the turn you will reach the Kopčany fields, where the church building is visible from afar. It is on the left. The church building can be reached by a dirt road or directly by car.  In 2019, a footbridge was built over the Morava River to connect the Mikulčice area with Kopčany.

Tips for accommodation?

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