Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

the seventh stage of hiking

Rajhrad - Uherčice

Basic information about the trail

Recommended length of one-day stages including accommodation at the end destinations.

The trail passes through a part of the Velké Pavlovice wine sub-region

What's ahead of us?

Our tip:

The section from Křtiny to Mikulov leads along the St. James Way. Follow the signs of the St. James Way or download the app to navigate along the trail.

Co můžeme vidět?

Archeologické, poutní, technické a přírodní památky.

Klášter Paulínů

Kostel Narození Panny Marie

Kostel sv. Barbory

Pramen Světla Matky Boží

Stará huť u Adamova

Jeskyně Jáchymka

Býčí skála

Jeskyně Kostelík

Kostel Jména Panny Marie

Zámek Křtiny

Kde se vyspat a najíst?

Ubytování a restaurace  podél trasy.

Duchovní centrum Vranov u Brna

Penzion a restaurace na Gruntě

Hotel Pod Horkou

Restaurace Hradní

Penzion U Kamenného kola

EVC Švýcárna

Zámek Křtiny

Penzion u Faustů

Penzion Starý pivovar

Why walk the trails of the Cyril and Methodius Route?

The long-distance trails of the Cyril and Methodius Route invite you to pilgrimage sites and archaeological sites that have contributed significantly to the development of Slavic culture. They are signposted in both directions and encourage wandering without borders, not only state borders.

What can be obtained?

Perhaps everyone likes to bring back something from hiking, be it various tourist and souvenir items. If you will be hiking the Cyril and Methodius Route, we have prepared the following printed materials to motivate you to hike the trail:

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