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Trenčiansky hrad

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Trenčiansky hrad

The third largest Gothic-Renaissance castle complex in Slovakia. It was built in the 11th century on the site of a Great Moravian settlement. The most important owner was Matúš Čák Trenčianský. The castle burnt down on 11 June 1790. Restored in the 20th century.

It has always guarded the trade routes connecting the area of northern Hungary and the Central Slovak mining towns with Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Poland. The origins of the castle date back to the 11th century, when it consisted of a residential tower and a rotunda, the remains of which can be seen in the upper courtyard. At the end of the 13th century, the castle came into the possession of Matúš Čák, who owned almost 50 castles and became the legendary lord of the Váh and the Tatra Mountains. From the highest tower of Matúš’s castle you can enjoy a beautiful view of a large part of the Považie region.

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It was filmed about the castle

Trenčiansky hrad

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unknown view

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Medieval Trnava

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Informácie z histórie

history of the Castle

The history of the site on which the castle was later built dates back to the Roman Empire, as evidenced by the inscription on the castle rock proclaiming the victory of the Second Roman Legion over the Germans at the Roman camp of Laugarício ( Lavgaritio) in 179 AD.

Kde získať turistické informácie?


Na Velehradě jsou dvě informační centra, kde mohou turisté a návštěvníci získat informace o prohlídkách, akcích, výstavách a dalších aktivitách, které v obci dějí.

Cultural-Information Centre Trenčín

Mierové námestie 9, 91101 Trenčín
tel. +421 (0)32 16 186

Trenčín Museum

Mierové námestie 46, Trenčín
tel. +421 32 / 743 56 57

How to get to the Castle?

The castle can be reached directly from the town centre from Matúšova Street, or by the reconstructed steep castle stairs leading from the town gate to the Gothic church on the castle hill. From the railway station, just cross the park and take the underpass by the Elizabeth Hotel to the museum.

The castle is home to the Trenčín Museum (founded in 1877), which covers the history of the Trenčín region and the history of the castle itself. There are exhibitions of historical furniture and the life of the nobility under feudalism, valuable weapons, paintings and prehistoric exhibits in Barbora’s Palace, Zápolský Palace and Ludvík’s Palace, and a permanent castle gallery in the castle’s outbuilding.

Tipy na ubytovanie?

Trenčín offers a large number of accommodation capacities from hotels to cheap accommodation. Therefore, we refer you to the website, which is dedicated to the possibilities of accommodation in Trenčín and its surroundings. 

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