Cyrilometodská cesta - Kultúrna cesta Rady Európy

Member network
of the Cyril and Methodius Route

Types of membership

The Association is open to new members who are interested in supporting its objective – the creation of a sustainable partner network developing an international cultural route thematically focused on the Cyril and Methodius legacy. It applies two types of membership, i.e. full and associate. Higher territorial self-governing units (provinces, regions), cities, municipalities, associations of regions, associations of towns and municipalities, tourism organizations (established by a region or municipality), business companies, international institutions, institutes and universities can become full members. Those who sign a memorandum of cooperation become associate members. The rights and obligations of members are determined by the articles of association.

Study visit in Nitra Region, ECRCM Association
Study visit in Modrá, ECRCM Association

How to become a full member?

Quite easily. Those interested in membership in the Association, i.e. in the international partner network, who want to participate in the management of the Cyril and Methodius Route, can apply to join the Association, thereby agreeing to the applicable articles of association, and meet the conditions (e.g. their request will be discussed by the General Assembly on the basis of the recommendation by the Scientific Committee). More information on this process will be provided by the Association’s secretariat.

Why you should become a member of the Cyril and Methodius Route

Being a member means benefiting from cooperation within the partner network. The below list provides an overview of services and support for the development of the Route for members of the ECRCM Association. Together we can do more!

We are stronger together
The partner network is a creative and friendly environment, an ideal platform for sharing good practices and broad contacts in the fields of culture, tourism, education, public administration, regional development, the non-profit sector or churches.

Participation in European grant calls
The Permanent Secretariat regularly monitors the announced calls of transnational and cross-border programmes and informs its members about these calls with the possibility of implementing the Cyril and Methodius Route’s development projects. The Permanent Secretariat also prepares project applications and addresses primarily members of the association to the partnership.

Coordination of the development of the Route leading to the recognition by the Council of Europe
Sharing the know-how of certified and other European cultural routes thanks to the long-term cooperation of the secretariat with the European Institute of Cultural Routes.

Use of the Cyril and Methodius Route logo – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe 
Any member can use the Cyril and Methodius Route logo for specific activities that are unambiguously linked with the main theme of the Cyril and Methodius Route.

Joint and democratic management of the Route’s development
Regular members are direct participants in decision-making processes in the regular meetings of the bodies of the Association.

Communication with institutions from the local to the transnational level
The Permanent Secretariat is the key point of communication of the partner network issuing official information and opinions of the Association in cooperation with the bodies of the Association and its members.

Communication tools of the Association
All members benefit from a digital presence on the website They can publish their news, press releases and events related to the promotion of the cultural route. Members also have the opportunity to present their own activities, events, promotional videos, etc. on the social networks of the Cyril and Methodius Route such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Creation of tourist products of the Cyril and Methodius Route
The members of the Association are actively involved in the creation of tourist products of the Cyril and Methodius Route and have the opportunity to initiate ones as well. Currently, two products are being developed: 1. Cyril and Methodius hiking trails; 2. Network of sites (points of interest).

Articles of the Association

Application form for becoming a member

Strategy of Cyril and Methodius Route

Strategie Cyrilometodějské stezky


Zlín Region

Česká republika

South-Moravian region

Česká republika

Moravian-Silesian Region

Česká republika

Olomouc Region

Česká republika

Municipality of Velehrad

Česká republika

Municipality of Modrá

Česká republika

Municipality of Bojná

Slovak Republic


Slovak Republic

Mojmír Foundation

Slovak Republic



Election of National Coordinator

Members of the Association from one specific country (minimum 2) can choose among themselves the so-called National Coordinator, who is elected by a simple majority of votes (each member has one vote). According to the statutes of the association, a national coordinator can only be a legal entity that is a regular or associate member of the Association. The election of a national coordinator is a sovereign activity of the members of the Association of a given country. The national coordinator is elected for a 4-year term. The recommended procedure regulates the election of the National Coordinator in the territory of the state in which the Association has members and follows the Internal Standard of the Association No. 5/2021, on National Coordinators.

Election of National Coordinator

recommended procedure

Internal Standard – National Coordinators

no. 5/2021

Návrat hore