The sixth stage of hiking
Smolenice - Brezová pod Bradlom
Základné informácie o trase
The trail from Smolenice to Brezová pod Bradlom is a captivating 30 km journey that takes approximately 8 hours and 54 minutes to complete. Starting in the charming village of Smolenice, the path leads hikers through the lush and diverse landscapes of the Small Carpatians mountains. The trail offers a mix of dense forests, open meadows, and rolling hills, providing a variety of scenic views and a chance to immerse oneself in nature. Along the way, hikers can enjoy the tranquility of the forest, the sound of birdsong, and the occasional sighting of local wildlife such as deer and foxes. As the trail progresses, it passes by several notable landmarks and viewpoints. The trail leads through picturesque valleys and alongside bubbling streams, creating a serene and refreshing atmosphere. The journey continues with a series of gentle climbs and descents, leading hikers through a variety of terrains and ecosystems. The trail is well-marked and maintained, making it accessible for experienced hikers who are prepared for a full-day adventure. As hikers approach Brezová pod Bradlom, they are greeted with stunning views of the town and its surrounding hills. Brezová pod Bradlom itself is a town rich in history and culture. It is famously known for the Bradlo Hill, where the monumental tomb of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik, a key figure in Slovak history, is located. The town offers a warm welcome to weary hikers, with opportunities to explore local attractions, enjoy traditional Slovak cuisine, and relax after a long day on the trail. This hike is not only a physical challenge but also a journey through some of Slovakia’s most beautiful and historically significant landscapes.
Čo nás čaká?
Starting point: Smolenice
Ending point: Brezová pod Bradlom
Distance: 30,0 km
Estimated travel time: 8:55 hour.
Obtiažnosť: stredná
Altitude: ascent 535 m, descent 524 m
Povrch: asfaltová cesta, väčšinou lesné a poľné cesty
Kritické body: žiadne
Náš tip:
Obujte si teda turistické topánky, vezmite si so sebou odhodlanie a vydajte sa na túto cestu - cestu, na ktorej sa prelína krása prírody, šepot histórie a tiché poryvy vašej duše.

World Museum and Library of the Bible
- Jablunkov
- +420 605 015 604

World Museum and Library of the Bible
The World Museum and Library of the Bible aims to create a quality and dignified place that makes unique exhibits of Bibles and spiritual books available to the general public. The museum offers approximately four hundred pieces of historic religious books and Christian literature from the mid-16th century onwards. In the old monastery building you can see an exhibition dedicated to the most famous book of the Bible and other spiritual books. You will see, for example, the Bibles of Melantrich dating from 1549 and 1556, Bibles written in the language of the black Zulu tribe and the Bible written in an artificial language – Esperanto. An interesting feature is a handwritten transcription of the Gospel of Mark on cigarette paper or a Bible in water, which is actually displayed in water. It is made of a secret material, the donor did not reveal it. It’s not plastic or paper.
Bibles also come in packages from donors all over the world, and each one has a story. For example, the huge, handmade, years-old leporettos, telling children Bible stories, were personally brought by an eighty-two-year-old woman from Zlín. Among them is a book called Hvězdička (Little Star), handwritten and painted by the disabled Jana Janigová from Staré Turé. Her disability allowed her to hold the pencil only close to her eyes.
The smallest bible comes from Switzerland and is written in English, the seven-pound one was used during important events, and the one on cigarette papers was transcribed by one of the political prisoners to keep with him in times of hardship.

Church of Corpus Christi
- Jablunkov
- +420 558 357 698

Church of Corpus Christi
The church was built in 1605, originally in Renaissance style, later rebuilt in Neo-Gothic style. The history of the church is very varied. In the 16th century it was dominated by Lutherans. It was only in 1615 that it became permanently a Catholic church. In 1652 it was rededicated to Corpus Christi. Therefore, in June, on the Feast of Corpus Christi, processions and festive services are held at the church. The church has been hit by fires several times. In 1931, the church was enlarged with a transept with a coffered ceiling and a presbytery designed by Jaroslav Oplt from Brno. In 1886 a new organ was installed in the church.
In 1945, new bells were added to the church. The original ones were confiscated by the German authorities during the war. The post-war bells rang at the church until July 2011. In October 2011, 3 new bells were consecrated. John Paul II, Our Lady of Fatima and St. Hedwig.
One of the symbols of Jablunkov, the church tower, has remained unchanged for centuries.

Jablunkov Information Centre
- Mariánské náměstí 1, 73991 Jablunkov
- +420 558 358 013
Kde sa najesť a ubytovať?
Reštaurácie a ubytovanie na trase.

Accommodation in Jablunkov
- Mariánské náměstí 1, 73991 Jablunkov
- +420 558 358 013
Fotografie z putovania.
Prečo sa vydať na Cyrilometodskú cestu?
Diaľkové trasy Cyrilometodskej cesty vás pozývajú na pútnické miesta a archeologické náleziská, ktoré významne prispeli k rozvoju slovanskej kultúry. Sú značené v oboch smeroch a nabádajú k putovaniu bez hraníc, nielen štátnych.
- Skúsenosti: budete prekvapení, čo všetko dokážete
- Skvelé značenie: turistické značky
- Neuveriteľná krajina: putovanie krajinou mimo rušných úsekov
Čo možno získať?
Snáď každý si z túry rád niečo prinesie, či už rôzne turistické a suvenírové predmety. Ak budete putovať po Cyrilometodskej ceste, pripravili sme pre vás nasledujúce tlačoviny, ktoré vás budú motivovať k putovaniu po tejto trase:
- Pútnické pasy: zbieranie pečiatok do špeciálneho pasu
- Pamätné listy: pamätný list na konci cesty
- Mapy: sprievodcovia pre tlač