Základné informácie o trase
Nature lovers will enjoy this trail from Vyšní Kamenitý to Bílý Kříž. A beautiful walk through the Beskydy Mountains partly on the border between the Czech and Slovak borders. You can also look forward to a real kingdom of wilderness with deep forests, rocks, wetlands, but also charming corners.
Čo nás čaká?
Starting point: Vyšní Kamenitý
Ending point: Bílý Kříž
Distance: 13,4 km
Estimated travel time: 4:52 hour
Obtiažnosť: stredná
Altitude: ascent 808 m, descent 988 m
Povrch: asfaltová cesta, väčšinou lesné a poľné cesty
Kritické body: žiadne
Náš tip:
Take plenty of food and drink with you, as there are sections of the trail with no food available for purchase during the hike.
Čo môžeme vidieť?
Archeologické, pútnické, technické a prírodné pamiatky.
Chapel of Bílý Kříž
- Bílý Kříž
- www.nabile.cz/ubytovani
- ic@nabile.cz
- +420 725 222 111
Chapel of Bílý Kříž
Mrs. Anežka Baronová, the wife of Josef Baron, who built the Baron Hotel in 1932, was very pious and so Baron later built a stone chapel for her above the Baron Hotel – Kysuca on the Slovak side. Pilgrimages and services are still held there on Cyril and Methodius Day. The municipality of Klokočov, where it belongs, wanted to make this chapel famous because the priest Karol Wojtyla used to worship there for about a week in the 1950s when he stayed under the Bílý Kříž (White Cross). He later became Archbishop of Krakow and Pope. There used to be a beautiful view from the chapel, but today the whole area has been changed by mature trees. But the view can be enjoyed a little lower down. The chapel is not actually part of Stary Hamry anymore, but is in the territory of the Slovak Republic. Still, people visit the area as a whole, so it would be a shame not to mention it. The chapel is dedicated to Cyril and Methodius and there is always an outdoor service on 6 July.
Bell tower Bilý Kříž
- Bílý Kříž
- www.nabile.cz/ubytovani
- ic@nabile.cz
- +420 725 222 111
Bell tower Bilý Kříž
The wooden bell tower on the Beskydy Bílý Kříž (White Cross), below the peak of Súlov, originally stood next to an old wooden tavern that provided simple hospitality in this part of the mountains in the second third of the 19th century. With the development of tourism in the late 19th century, the bell tower became a welcome tourist attraction, and for 20 krejcars, anyone could ring its bell at any time. However, with the construction of the new Bílý Kříž Hotel in 1924, the bell tower took its own life. A new wooden bell tower was built near the hotel, but not a copy of the old one. Unfortunately, it is now a dilapidated structure.
Kde sa najesť a ubytovať?
Reštaurácie a ubytovanie na trase.
Kolář's cottage Slavíč
- Horní Lomná 72, 73991 Horní Lomná
- www.kolarovachata.cz
- info@kolarovachata.cz
- +420 797 856 822
Apartments Bílý Kříž
- Staré Hamry 84, 73915 Staré Hamry
- www.apartmany-bily-kriz.webnode.cz
- apartman.bk@seznam.cz
- +420 608 708 901
Mountain hut and refreshment Sulov
- Staré Hamry 82, 73915 Staré Hamry
- chata-sulov.cz
- info@chata-sulov.cz
- +420 774 595 111
Apartment house Bílý Kříž
- Staré Hamry 87, 73915
- www.ubytovani-beskydy-bily-kriz.cz
- info@bily-kriz.eu
- +420 608 111 158
Fotografie z putovania.
Prečo sa vydať na Cyrilometodskú cestu?
Diaľkové trasy Cyrilometodskej cesty vás pozývajú na pútnické miesta a archeologické náleziská, ktoré významne prispeli k rozvoju slovanskej kultúry. Sú značené v oboch smeroch a nabádajú k putovaniu bez hraníc, nielen štátnych.
- Skúsenosti: budete prekvapení, čo všetko dokážete
- Skvelé značenie: turistické značky
- Neuveriteľná krajina: putovanie krajinou mimo rušných úsekov
Čo možno získať?
Snáď každý si z túry rád niečo prinesie, či už rôzne turistické a suvenírové predmety. Ak budete putovať po Cyrilometodskej ceste, pripravili sme pre vás nasledujúce tlačoviny, ktoré vás budú motivovať k putovaniu po tejto trase:
- Pútnické pasy: zbieranie pečiatok do špeciálneho pasu
- Pamätné listy: pamätný list na konci cesty
- Mapy: sprievodcovia pre tlač