Cyrilometodská cesta - Kultúrna cesta Rady Európy


Žítková - Bojkovice

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The Cyril and Methodius Route, leading from Žítková to Bojkovice along the blue tourist trail of the Czech Hiking Club, offers an unforgettable experience full of natural beauty and historical landmarks. This trail is ideal for hiking enthusiasts who want to explore the cultural heritage and natural wonders of the Zlín Region.
Starting in the picturesque village of Žítková, known for its “Žítková goddesses” – women famous for their healing abilities and divination skills. Here, you can visit the Museum of Žítková Goddesses, which offers a fascinating insight into the history and traditions of this region.
The trail continues through the beautiful hills and forests of the White Carpathians, where you can enjoy the peaceful and scenic landscape. Along the way, you’ll encounter several viewpoints offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
One of the main stops is the Nový Světlov Castle in Bojkovice. This neo-Gothic castle is surrounded by a beautiful park and offers tours of its interiors, taking you back in time to the history of the noble family.
The trail ends in Bojkovice, where you can visit the Bojkovsko Museum, showcasing the rich history and culture of this region. After a challenging hike, you can relax in one of the local restaurants and taste traditional Moravian cuisine.
The Cyril and Methodius Route from Žítková to Bojkovice is an ideal choice for those seeking a combination of natural beauty and cultural experiences. This trail offers not only physical activity but also the opportunity to learn about the rich history and traditions of the Zlín Region. Get ready for an unforgettable trip full of discovery and adventure.

Čo nás čaká?

Starting point: Žítková

Ending point: Bojkovice

Distance: 11,7 km

Estimated travel time: 3:38 hours

Obtiažnosť: stredná

Altitude: ascent 323 m, descent 439 m

Povrch: spevnená cesta, poľné cesty

Critical points: From Krhov to Bojkovice is about 2 km along the road

Náš tip:

Use the built cycle path from Krhov to Bojkovice, which runs on the left side of the main road for safety reasons.

Čo môžeme vidieť?

Archeologické, pútnické, technické a prírodné pamiatky.

Trasy v Českej republike

Museum of the Last Goddess of Žítková

Skalka u Trenčína - Žítková

Information centre with mini-museum

Žítková - Bojkovice

Museum of Bojkovice area

Žítková - Bojkovice

Information centre of the Bojkovice area

Trasy v Českej republike

Nový Světlov Chateau

Kde sa najesť a ubytovať?

Reštaurácie a ubytovanie na trase.

Youth Home Church High School

Eurocamping Bojkovice

Hvězda Plus s. r. o.

Pension Rotop

Pension U Jandlů

Trasy v Českej republike

Nový Světlov Chateau

Pension AgraM

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Prečo sa vydať na Cyrilometodskú cestu?

Diaľkové trasy Cyrilometodskej cesty vás pozývajú na pútnické miesta a archeologické náleziská, ktoré významne prispeli k rozvoju slovanskej kultúry. Sú značené v oboch smeroch a nabádajú k putovaniu bez hraníc, nielen štátnych.

Čo možno získať?

Snáď každý si z túry rád niečo prinesie, či už rôzne turistické a suvenírové predmety. Ak budete putovať po Cyrilometodskej ceste, pripravili sme pre vás nasledujúce tlačoviny, ktoré vás budú motivovať k putovaniu po tejto trase:

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