Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe

Ostrá Skala Hillfort
Vyšný Kubín

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Ostrá Skala Hillfort, Vyšný Kubín

The hillfort in Vyšný Kubín is located north of the village on the rocky formation Ostrá skala, which together with Tupá skala belongs to the protected areas. These are natural landmarks not only in the surroundings of the village, but also in the southern part of Orava.

The hillfort has an area of 1.5 to 2 hectares and consists of an acropolis and two foreforts. It is naturally protected on several sides by a steep escarpment. The site was inhabited as early as the Eneolithic. The highest position – the acropolis – is fortified by a horseshoe-shaped rampart. It was probably built as early as the end of the Hallstatt Age. It is assumed that after the destruction of the hillfort on the Dull Rock, the inhabitants moved to the safer Ostrá skala (Sharp Rock). The fortification played an important role, especially in the Latin and Roman periods, and later in the early Middle Ages it was probably repaired and reused, and there may have been a wooden palisade on the top.

What can you visit here?

Information from history


There is a hillfort with a settlement and a granite burial site from the Hallstatt period, a granite ashtray burial site of the Lusatian culture from the younger Bronze Age, and a settlement of the Púchov culture on the Ostrá skala (Sharp Rock).

Where to get tourist information?


Na Velehradě jsou dvě informační centra, kde mohou turisté a návštěvníci získat informace o prohlídkách, akcích, výstavách a dalších aktivitách, které v obci dějí.

Municipality Vyšný Kubín

Hviezdoslavova 117/5, 026 01 Vyšný Kubín
tel. +421 435 865 138,

Tourist Information Office

Hviezdoslavovo námestie 1651/2 , 026 01 Dolný Kubín, Slovensko
tel. +421/0-915 049 407

How to get to the hillfort?

Vyšný Kubín is located about 57 km east of Žilina and about 4 km south of Dolný Kubín. Vyšný and Dolný Kubín are connected by cycling routes. However, no hiking trail leads directly to the site. It is accessible only by forest road.
It is a freely accessible monument that can be reached on foot from Vyšný and Dolný Kubín (part of Medzihradné) or Leštín.

Tips for accommodation?

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