Slavia Barlieva-Bekirova
Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Slavia Barlieva is a classical philologist, specialising in Latin medieval studies. Her research interests focus on the study of Latin and Greek sources on SS Cyril and Methodius and the Western Cyrilo-Methodian tradition. She is a professor at the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and has been its director between 2012-2019. Working in the field of hagiography and historiography, she studyes medieval manuscripts and old prints from the perspective of cultural anthropology and national identity. Prof. Barlieva teaches Latin palaeography and the historical chronology of the European Middle Ages. She is a full member of Academia Ambrosiana – Milan and a member of the Scientific Committee of ECRCM. She is the author of many scientific publications, among them the monographs “Latin hagiographic works about SS. Cyril and Methodius in Legenda Aurea of Jacobus de Voragine” (1998), “Cyrillo-Methodiana Latina & Varia Mediaevalia” (2019), “Cyrillo-Methodian motifs in the Latin and Greek literature (2021)”.