Archaeological area Staré Město "At Špitálky"
Discover the fascinating layers of history Archaeological area Staré Město, a national cultural monument. Here, you can find the remnants of the Great Moravian temple, with its impressive 18.5-meter-long foundations. But that’s not all – this site also reveals traces of much older settlements. Unearth the ancient culture of ash fields with corded pottery and the Moravian painted pottery culture, dating back to the younger Stone Age. These historical treasures offer a unique glimpse into the diverse and rich heritage of the region. Plan your visit today and step back in time to explore the deep historical roots of this remarkable site.
Located on the Velehrad promontory, the Archaeological area Staré Město “Špitálky” national cultural monument forms the southwestern part of Staré Město, established after 1918. The northern section, known as “At Špitálky,” is famous for the discovery of the Great Moravian church foundations in 1949. This site has been inhabited since the Paleolithic period, evidenced by findings of chipped stone tools from the early Stone Age. Explore the rich history through artifacts from various cultures, including linear pottery, Moravian painted pottery, and ceramics from the Únětice culture, Middle Danube Mound culture, and the Ashfield period, including the Hallstatt period. Plan your visit to “Špitálky” and delve into the layers of history that reveal the diverse cultural heritage of this remarkable site.
What can you visit in Staré Město?
It was filmed about Archaeological area Staré Město
Informácie z histórie
HISTORY OF Archaeological area Staré Město "Špitálky"
Welcome to Staré Město, a place with a rich history dating back to prehistoric times. This area has been continuously inhabited since the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. Archaeological excavations have uncovered fascinating evidence of early human settlements, making Staré Město a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Explore the ancient roots of this remarkable region and immerse yourself in the stories of our ancestors. Whether you’re a history buff or simply curious, Staré Město offers a unique glimpse into the past.

Archaeological site Staré Město “At Špitálky”
In 1949, while collecting gravel from the terrace profile on the right bank of the blind arm of the Morava River in the position “U Stohu”, just behind the Sugar Factory in Staré Město, three skeleton graves without charity were excavated. Soon afterwards, not only several other skeleton graves with alms were destroyed during machine gravel extraction, but also the entire southern half of the foundations of the Great Moravian church. The same year, a rescue excavation was started by the Institute of Archaeology of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Brno under the direction of Josef Poulik. During the research in 1949-1950, a skeletal burial site was uncovered with a total of 42 graves with rich equipment (spurs, iron knives, silver and gold earrings and buttons, coffin fittings, a circular plaque with a carved relief of a rider with a falcon, etc.). Given the nature of the burial site, it is most often assumed that the church may have been owned by an important family of the Great Moravian elite, whose members were also buried here. It is possible that the church was part of a larger ownership unit, perhaps a manor house, situated in a strategically important location.
According to the preserved remains of the foundations, the church had a rectangular nave, which was closed on the eastern side with a semicircular closure and on the western side it passed into a narthex (nartex). The interior of the nave was divided by 6 supports. At the north-eastern corner of the church the remains of a smaller building with a recess, perhaps a baptistery, were found. A similar depression was found at the south-west corner of the nartex. The temple was 18.5 m long and approximately 8 m wide. Its foundation masonry is preserved only in negative form. Stake pits and traces of wooden fencing were found along the south and west sides of the church. In terms of location, it stood in a strategic place, at the site of the road and the gate of the so-called outer fortification. Given the absence of finds typical of the second half of the 10th century, it is obvious that it disappeared immediately after the fall of Great Moravia.
During the archaeological research in 2020, a Late Eneolithic grave of a culture with corded pottery was also newly documented at the site, which consisted of ceramic vessels and fragments of copper hair spiral ornaments. Most of the archaeological objects found in the newly investigated area are related to the settlement of the site in the Early to Late Bronze Age. However, the presence of the carriers of the ash field culture was already demonstrated here during the research in 1950. The newly identified Bronze Age objects were mainly concentrated in the south-eastern part of the study area.
Kde získať turistické informácie?
Na Velehradě jsou dvě informační centra, kde mohou turisté a návštěvníci získat informace o prohlídkách, akcích, výstavách a dalších aktivitách, které v obci dějí.
Pamätník Veľkej Moravy - Cyrilometodské centrum
Jezuitská 1885, Staré Město, 686 03
tel. +420 572 543 382
Moravian Slovak Museum in Uherské Hradiště
Smetanovy sady 179, 68601 Uherské Hradiště
tel. +420 572 556 556
Event centrum
náměstí Velké Moravy 2190, 686 03 Staré Město
tel. +420 739 944 599
How to get to Špitálky?
You can get to the archaeological site by train, bus, car or bicycle.
BY CAR. For cars, public parking areas are available nearby (near the entrance to the KOVOZOO site).
BY TRAIN AND BUS. The railway station Staré Město is about a 7-minute free walk from the archaeological site. The nearest public transport stop is called Cukrovar.
ON THE BIKE. The archaeological site is freely accessible to cyclists.
Tipy na ubytovanie?
- Event centrum Staré Město - information about accommodation
- Mestské informačné centrum Uherské Hradiště - informácie o ubytovaní