Cyrilometodská cesta sa rozširuje a plánuje rozvoj na Balkáne
6. novembra 2024, Zlín, Česká republika
Cyrilometodská cesta - Kultúrna cesta Rady Európy rozširuje svoju členskú sieť. Minulý týždeň na valnom zhromaždení medzinárodného združenia v Zlíne prijala Európska kultúrna cesta svätého Cyrila a Metoda nového člena - regionálnu destinačnú spoločnosť Vysočina Tourism.
Organizácia má teraz 37 oficiálnych členov z 10 krajín (Česká republika, Slovensko, Poľsko, Bulharsko, Severné Macedónsko, Grécko, Maďarsko, Slovinsko, Chorvátsko a Taliansko).
Cyrilometodská cesta sa rozširuje a plánuje rozvoj na Balkáne
Cyrilometodská cesta - Kultúrna cesta Rady Európy rozširuje svoju členskú sieť. Minulý týždeň na valnom zhromaždení medzinárodného združenia v Zlíne prijala Európska kultúrna cesta svätého Cyrila a Metoda nového člena - regionálnu destinačnú spoločnosť Vysočina Tourism. Organizácia má teraz 37 oficiálnych členov z 10 krajín (Česká republika, Slovensko, Poľsko, Bulharsko, Severné Macedónsko, Grécko, Maďarsko, Slovinsko, Chorvátsko a Taliansko).
"Sme veľmi radi, že sme prijali ďalšieho významného člena, ktorým je Vysočina Tourism. Cez Vysočinu vedú vyznačené cyrilometodské trasy a sú tu pamiatky spojené s cyrilometodskou tradíciou. Zároveň pre nás zostáva veľkou výzvou Balkán, kde máme stále pomerne málo partnerov, vzhľadom na to, aké silné a zásadné je tam cyrilometodské kultúrne dedičstvo. Preto sa členovia zhodli na návrhu vytvoriť Medzinárodný výbor pre rozvoj Balkánskej cesty, ktorý sa bude zaoberať krokmi pre rozvoj cesty v tejto oblasti. Zhodli sme sa aj na tom, že naším spoločným cieľom je úspešne obhájiť certifikát Kultúrnej cesty Rady Európy, ktorý združenie čaká na budúci rok,“ povedal Ľubomír Traub, predseda Združenia Európska kultúrna cesta svätého Cyrila a Metoda.
Členovia z Českej republiky, Slovenska a Severného Macedónska sa stretli osobne v Zlíne, ostatní členovia sa spojili online. Partneri z Ústavu macedónskej literatúry Univerzity svätého Cyrila a Metoda v Skopje a Ústavu pre staroslovanskú kultúru v Prilepe predložili návrh na ďalšie stretnutie členov a organizovanie spoločných aktivít v budúcom roku na území Severného Macedónska - v hlavnom meste Skopje a významnom kultúrnom a turistickom centre Ochride. Práve v kláštoroch pri Ochridskom jazere sa usadili žiaci Konštantína a Metoda - svätý Kiment a svätý Naum, aby šírili svoje kultúrne a duchovné dedičstvo.
Cyrilometodská cesta spája miesta, pamiatky, inštitúcie a turistické atrakcie v krajinách strednej, východnej a južnej Európy a je jednou zo 48 kultúrnych ciest certifikovaných Radou Európy. Jej aktivity propagujú živé cyrilometodské dedičstvo a hodnoty založené na úcte a dialógu medzi ľuďmi rôznych kultúr a vierovyznaní.
Archeologické múzeum Veliki Preslav hostilo seminár o Cyrilometodskej ceste
26. a 27. novembra 2024, Veliki Preslav, Bulharsko
Cyrilo-metodské výskumné centrum Bulharskej akadémie vied (BAS) a Archeologické múzeum „Veliki Preslav“, riadni členovia združenia „Európska kultúrna cesta Cyrila a Metoda“, usporiadali 26. - 27. novembra Národný informačný seminár. Seminár s názvom „Bulharská cyrilometodská kultúrna cesta - súčasť Cyrilometodskej kultúrnej cesty Rady Európy“ sa zaoberal významným prínosom Bulharska k tomuto významnému európskemu kultúrnemu dedičstvu.
Podujatie, ktoré sa konalo pod záštitou a s finančnou podporou bulharského ministerstva kultúry, oficiálne otvoril starosta mesta Veliki Preslav, druhého hlavného mesta prvého bulharského kráľovstva. Zúčastnilo sa na ňom viac ako 60 účastníkov zastupujúcich rôzne organizácie vrátane vzdelávacích a vedeckých inštitúcií, mestských a regionálnych správ, komunitných centier, knižníc, múzeí, cirkevných miest, turistických organizácií, regionálnych rozvojových skupín a miestnych podnikov. Predstavili rôzne aspekty cyrilo-metodskej tradície v Bulharsku.
Archeologické múzeum Veliki Preslav hostilo seminár o Cyrilometodskej ceste
Cyrilo-metodské výskumné centrum Bulharskej akadémie vied (BAS) a Archeologické múzeum „Veliki Preslav“, riadni členovia združenia „Európska kultúrna cesta Cyrila a Metoda“, usporiadali 26. - 27. novembra Národný informačný seminár. Seminár s názvom „Bulharská cyrilometodská kultúrna cesta - súčasť Cyrilometodskej kultúrnej cesty Rady Európy“ sa zaoberal významným prínosom Bulharska k tomuto významnému európskemu kultúrnemu dedičstvu.
Podujatie, ktoré sa konalo pod záštitou a s finančnou podporou bulharského ministerstva kultúry, oficiálne otvoril starosta mesta Veliki Preslav, druhého hlavného mesta prvého bulharského kráľovstva. Zúčastnilo sa na ňom viac ako 60 účastníkov zastupujúcich rôzne organizácie vrátane vzdelávacích a vedeckých inštitúcií, mestských a regionálnych správ, komunitných centier, knižníc, múzeí, cirkevných miest, turistických organizácií, regionálnych rozvojových skupín a miestnych podnikov. Predstavili rôzne aspekty cyrilo-metodskej tradície v Bulharsku.
Seminár privítal aj zahraničných hostí, medzi ktorými boli Stefano Dominioni a Carolina Clark z Európskeho inštitútu kultúrnych ciest v Luxemburgu, delegácia zo Slováckého múzea v Uherskom Hradišti v Českej republike pod vedením Dr. Tomáša Chrásteka, Martina Janochová zo Stáleho sekretariátu Európske kultúrne cesty svätých Cyrila a Metoda, profesor Krasimir Stančev z Univerzity Roma Tre a profesorka Rumyana Zlatanova z Univerzity v Heidelbergu.
Hlavným bodom programu bolo otvorenie výstavy „Po stopách učeníkov - Cyrilometodská kultúrna cesta v Bulharsku“. Výstava, ktorej kurátorkami boli profesorka Slavia Barlieva a Dr. Elka Zlateva z Cyrilo-metodského výskumného centra pri SAV, predstavila vybrané pamätné miesta venované svätým Cyrilovi a Metodovi a ich žiakom po celom Bulharsku a poukázala na kľúčové miesta národnej kultúrnej cesty.
Účastníci sa zapojili do diskusie o integrácii rozvinutých aj nerozvinutých lokalít, ako sú rezervácia Patleina a kláštor svätého Pantaleona a Veľká bazilika v Národnej historickej a archeologickej rezervácii „Pliska“, do Cyrilometodskej kultúrnej cesty. Česká delegácia navštívila aj hrob Karla Václava Škorpila, česko-bulharského archeológa a člena Bulharskej akadémie vied, ktorý zomrel vo Varne v roku 1944 a je pochovaný medzi ruinami starobylého bulharského hlavného mesta Pliska.
Cyrilometodská cesta sa rozširuje a plánuje rozvoj na Balkáne
6. novembra 2024, Zlín, Česká republika
Cyrilometodská cesta - Kultúrna cesta Rady Európy rozširuje svoju členskú sieť. Minulý týždeň na valnom zhromaždení medzinárodného združenia v Zlíne prijala Európska kultúrna cesta svätého Cyrila a Metoda nového člena - regionálnu destinačnú spoločnosť Vysočina Tourism.
Organizácia má teraz 37 oficiálnych členov z 10 krajín (Česká republika, Slovensko, Poľsko, Bulharsko, Severné Macedónsko, Grécko, Maďarsko, Slovinsko, Chorvátsko a Taliansko).
Cyrilometodská cesta sa rozširuje a plánuje rozvoj na Balkáne
Cyrilometodská cesta - Kultúrna cesta Rady Európy rozširuje svoju členskú sieť. Minulý týždeň na valnom zhromaždení medzinárodného združenia v Zlíne prijala Európska kultúrna cesta svätého Cyrila a Metoda nového člena - regionálnu destinačnú spoločnosť Vysočina Tourism. Organizácia má teraz 37 oficiálnych členov z 10 krajín (Česká republika, Slovensko, Poľsko, Bulharsko, Severné Macedónsko, Grécko, Maďarsko, Slovinsko, Chorvátsko a Taliansko).
"Sme veľmi radi, že sme prijali ďalšieho významného člena, ktorým je Vysočina Tourism. Cez Vysočinu vedú vyznačené cyrilometodské trasy a sú tu pamiatky spojené s cyrilometodskou tradíciou. Zároveň pre nás zostáva veľkou výzvou Balkán, kde máme stále pomerne málo partnerov, vzhľadom na to, aké silné a zásadné je tam cyrilometodské kultúrne dedičstvo. Preto sa členovia zhodli na návrhu vytvoriť Medzinárodný výbor pre rozvoj Balkánskej cesty, ktorý sa bude zaoberať krokmi pre rozvoj cesty v tejto oblasti. Zhodli sme sa aj na tom, že naším spoločným cieľom je úspešne obhájiť certifikát Kultúrnej cesty Rady Európy, ktorý združenie čaká na budúci rok,“ povedal Ľubomír Traub, predseda Združenia Európska kultúrna cesta svätého Cyrila a Metoda.
Členovia z Českej republiky, Slovenska a Severného Macedónska sa stretli osobne v Zlíne, ostatní členovia sa spojili online. Partneri z Ústavu macedónskej literatúry Univerzity svätého Cyrila a Metoda v Skopje a Ústavu pre staroslovanskú kultúru v Prilepe predložili návrh na ďalšie stretnutie členov a organizovanie spoločných aktivít v budúcom roku na území Severného Macedónska - v hlavnom meste Skopje a významnom kultúrnom a turistickom centre Ochride. Práve v kláštoroch pri Ochridskom jazere sa usadili žiaci Konštantína a Metoda - svätý Kiment a svätý Naum, aby šírili svoje kultúrne a duchovné dedičstvo.
Cyrilometodská cesta spája miesta, pamiatky, inštitúcie a turistické atrakcie v krajinách strednej, východnej a južnej Európy a je jednou zo 48 kultúrnych ciest certifikovaných Radou Európy. Jej aktivity propagujú živé cyrilometodské dedičstvo a hodnoty založené na úcte a dialógu medzi ľuďmi rôznych kultúr a vierovyznaní.
Prezentácia monografie profesora Petra Ivaniča v Ríme oslavuje svätých Cyrila a Metoda
22. októbra 2024, Rím, Taliansko
V utorok 22. októbra sa v Pápežskom slovenskom ústave svätých Cyrila a Metoda v Ríme uskutočnila slávnostná prezentácia novej monografie Život svätého Konštantína-Cyrila a úcta k jeho relikviám, ktorej autorom je profesor Peter Ivanič, PhD, riaditeľ Ústavu pre výskum kultúrneho dedičstva Konštantína a Metoda na Univerzite Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre.
Podujatie sa konalo pod záštitou veľvyslanca Slovenskej republiky pri Svätej stolici Dr. Juraja Priputena a Zvrchovaného maltézskeho rádu a bolo organizované v spolupráci s Pápežským slovenským ústavom svätých Cyrila a Metoda a Slovenským historickým ústavom v Ríme. Prilákala významných účastníkov vrátane veľvyslancov a diplomatických zástupcov akreditovaných pri Svätej stolici, dekana Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa profesora Martina Hetényiho, akademikov, historikov a duchovných pôsobiacich vo Vatikáne a Ríme.
Prezentácia monografie profesora Petra Ivaniča v Ríme oslavuje svätých Cyrila a Metoda
V utorok 22. októbra sa v Pápežskom slovenskom ústave svätých Cyrila a Metoda v Ríme uskutočnila slávnostná prezentácia novej monografie Život svätého Konštantína-Cyrila a úcta k jeho relikviám, ktorej autorom je profesor Peter Ivanič, PhD, riaditeľ Ústavu pre výskum kultúrneho dedičstva Konštantína a Metoda Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Podujatie sa konalo pod záštitou Dr. Juraja Priputena, veľvyslanca Slovenskej republiky pri Svätej stolici a Zvrchovanom maltézskom ráde, a bolo organizované v spolupráci s Pápežským slovenským ústavom svätých Cyrila a Metoda a Slovenským historickým ústavom v Ríme. Prilákala významných účastníkov vrátane veľvyslancov a diplomatických zástupcov akreditovaných pri Svätej stolici, dekana Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa profesora Martina Hetényiho, akademikov, historikov a duchovných pôsobiacich vo Vatikáne a Ríme.
Po úvodných slovách veľvyslanca Priputena a rektora Dr. Pavla Zvaru pokračoval program ďakovnou bohoslužbou (akatistom) venovanou svätému Cyrilovi. Bohoslužbu viedol v taliančine archimandrita Jaroslav Lajčiak, zástupca Dikastéria pre východné cirkvi. S hlavným príhovorom vystúpil emeritný rektor Pápežského biblického inštitútu, profesor Michael Francis Kolarčík, SJ, ktorý zdôraznil trvalý význam odkazu svätých Cyrila a Metoda pre súčasnú Európu. Podelil sa aj o osobné spomienky na znovuobjavenie relikvií svätého Cyrila a ich prenesenie do Ríma v roku 1963.
Táto dvojjazyčná slovensko-anglická publikácia predstavuje dlhoročný rozsiahly výskum relikvií svätého Konštantína-Cyrila, ktorý sa uskutočnil vo viacerých európskych krajinách vrátane Talianska, Vatikánu, Grécka, Slovenska a Českej republiky, ako aj v Kanade. Monografia vyšla v spolupráci s Pápežským slovenským ústavom svätých Cyrila a Metoda v Ríme, Slovenským historickým ústavom v Ríme a Európskou kultúrnou cestou svätých Cyrila a Metoda.
Život svätého Konštantína-Cyrila a uctievanie jeho relikvií ponúka nielen podrobný historický opis, ale aj obnovené uznanie kultúrneho a duchovného dedičstva svätých Cyrila a Metoda, ktoré dodnes rezonuje v Európe.
Cyrilometodská cesta premenovala úsek medzi Novým Mestom na Morave a Zubřím
17. októbra 2024, Nové Mesto na Morave, Česká republika
Cyrila a Metoda v spolupráci s Klubom českých turistov Kraja Vysočina dokončili nové značenie 4,3 km dlhého úseku medzi námestím v Novom Meste na Morave a rozcestníkom Zubří v obci Zubří. Tento úsek, ktorý je súčasťou značenej trasy Cyrilometodského chodníka z Levého Hradca na Velehrad, nahradil nevyhovujúcu trasu Náučného chodníka Po stopách posledného vlka a teraz ponúka turistom bezpečnejšiu a prehľadnejšiu trasu v súlade s modernými štandardmi turistického značenia. Trasa je zároveň obojsmerná, čo umožňuje turistom pohodlne cestovať oboma smermi podľa ich preferencií.
Cyrilometodská cesta premenovala úsek medzi Novým Mestom na Morave a Zubřím
Cyrila a Metoda v spolupráci s Klubom českých turistov Kraja Vysočina dokončili nové značenie 4,3 km dlhého úseku medzi námestím v Novom Meste na Morave a rozcestníkom Zubří v obci Zubří. Tento úsek, ktorý je súčasťou značenej trasy Cyrilometodského chodníka z Levého Hradca na Velehrad, nahradil nevyhovujúcu trasu Náučného chodníka Po stopách posledného vlka a teraz ponúka turistom bezpečnejšiu a prehľadnejšiu trasu v súlade s modernými štandardmi turistického značenia. Trasa je zároveň obojsmerná, čo umožňuje turistom pohodlne cestovať oboma smermi podľa ich preferencií.
Modernizácia a zvýšenie bezpečnosti turistov
Novo vyznačená trasa nahradila už nevyhovujúci Náučný chodník Po stopách posledného vlka, ktorý bol dlhodobo v zlom stave. Premiestnením časti trasy mimo frekventovanej cesty druhej triedy a využitím menej frekventovaných okresných ciest a chodníkov sa zvýšila bezpečnosť pohybu peších turistov a pútnikov. Okrem toho sa skrátila vzdialenosť z Nového Mesta k Zuberskému rybníku o celé 3 kilometre, čím sa táto obľúbená rekreačná oblasť na kúpanie stala dostupnejšou.
Itinerario con enfasi sui valori ricreativi e naturali
Nová podoba trasy vedie cez pokojnú oblasť Ořeší, ktorá je známa svojimi prírodnými krásami a studničkami. Trasa poskytuje nielen príjemný turistický zážitok, ale aj miesto na oddych a relaxáciu v prírode. Okrem toho sa obyvateľom Nového Mesta na Morave otvorili nové možnosti bezpečných prechádzok a rekreačných aktivít.
Význam pre Cyrilometodskú cestu
Značenie bolo realizované podľa štandardov Klubu českých turistov s doplnením loga Cyrilometodskej cesty na smerovníky. Táto úprava umožňuje lepšiu orientáciu na diaľkovej pútnickej trase spájajúcej Levý Hradec, Prahu a Velehrad. Obojsmerné značenie trasy zároveň umožňuje flexibilné plánovanie výletu - turisti môžu začať svoju cestu v Novom Měste na Morave alebo sa vydať opačným smerom zo Zubří.
Dlhodobé výhody
Vďaka tomuto projektu:
- Zlepšiť dostupnosť rekreačných lokalít v regióne.
- Zabezpečenie bezpečnejšej a prehľadnejšej trasy pre miestnych a zahraničných návštevníkov.
- Podporovať udržateľný cestovný ruch s dôrazom na ochranu prírody a kultúrneho dedičstva.
Realizácia preznačenia bola možná vďaka finančnej podpore z grantového programu Nové mesto na Morave na podporu činnosti neziskových právnických osôb v oblasti kultúry, voľného času, ochrany prírody a krajiny a malých združení v oblasti športu.
Hodnotiteľ Dr. Aleksander Dajkovič navštívil Slovensko v rámci procesu recertifikácie Cyrilometodskej kultúrnej cesty
17. októbra 2024, Nitra, Slovensko
As part of the ongoing recertification process for the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia hosted Dr. Aleksandar Dajkovič from the University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro. This recertification, aligned with the Council of Europe’s cultural routes standards, ensures that the route upholds its quality and cultural significance on an international level. The formal recertification presentation is scheduled for May 2025.
Počas návštevy Nitry 16. - 17. októbra 2024 si Dr. Dajkovič prezrel kľúčové miesta Cyrilometodskej cesty vrátane Nitrianskeho hradu, Diecézneho múzea a knižnice, v ktorej sa nachádzajú relikvie svätého Cyrila. Súčasťou návštevy bola aj Interaktívna vzdelávacia zóna TICadlovo, určená mladým návštevníkom, a historický Zoborský kláštor, kde zážitok rozšírenej reality umožňuje nahliadnuť do života benediktínskeho kláštora.
On 13-14 September 2024, the 2nd edition of the international exhibition of construction and equipment of churches and church facilities and church art SACRO EXPO SLOVAKIA took place at the Incheba exhibition centre in Bratislava . The Cyril and Methodius Route is a combination of a cultural experience and a pilgrimage built on the spiritual legacy of Saints Cyril and Methodius, which unites nations across Europe. The combination of spirituality, the joy of wandering and cultural experience is often the motivation that drives individuals and communities to explore.
This was the main idea behind the promotion of the Cyril and Methodius Pilgrimage project in this exhibition, which combined the offer of artists of specific professions with the practical life of individual parishes, pilgrimage sites and communities.
Participants had the opportunity to learn about the attractions, projects and activities of the Cyril and Methodius Way in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and, through the website, in other countries involved in the European Cultural Journey of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
Konferencia v Skopje otvorila rozvoj Cyrilometodskej cesty v Severnom Macedónsku
8. až 9. októbra 2024, Skopje, Severné Macedónsko
Ústav macedónskej literatúry Univerzity svätého Cyrila a Metoda v Skopje úspešne zorganizoval medzinárodnú konferenciu o Európskej kultúrnej ceste svätého Cyrila a Metoda. Podujatie, ktoré sa konalo 8. - 9. októbra 2024, sa zaoberalo kultúrnym dedičstvom svätcov v Skopje a širšom regióne Skopje. Konferenciu oficiálne otvorili významné osobnosti, medzi ktorými boli pán Aleksandar Skeparovski, prorektor pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu Univerzity svätého Cyrila a Metoda, profesorka Natasa Avramovska, riaditeľka Ústavu macedónskej literatúry, pani Viktorija Trajkov, námestníčka ministra pre európske záležitosti, pani Vesela Čestojeva, riaditeľka Riaditeľstva pre ochranu kultúrneho dedičstva, a J. E. Henrik Markus, veľvyslanec Slovenskej republiky v Severnom Macedónsku.
Konferencia v Skopje otvorila rozvoj Cyrilometodskej cesty v Severnom Macedónsku
Ústav macedónskej literatúry Univerzity svätého Cyrila a Metoda v Skopje úspešne zorganizoval medzinárodnú konferenciu o Európskej kultúrnej ceste svätého Cyrila a Metoda. Podujatie, ktoré sa konalo 8. - 9. októbra 2024, sa zaoberalo kultúrnym dedičstvom svätcov v Skopje a širšom regióne Skopje. Konferenciu oficiálne otvorili významné osobnosti, medzi ktorými boli pán Aleksandar Skeparovski, prorektor pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu Univerzity svätého Cyrila a Metoda, profesorka Natasa Avramovska, riaditeľka Ústavu macedónskej literatúry, pani Viktorija Trajkov, námestníčka ministra pre európske záležitosti, pani Vesela Čestojeva, riaditeľka Riaditeľstva pre ochranu kultúrneho dedičstva, a J. E. Henrik Markus, veľvyslanec Slovenskej republiky v Severnom Macedónsku.
Sedemdesiat zástupcov zo Slovenska, Českej republiky, Bulharska a Severného Macedónska sa stretlo, aby diskutovali a propagovali bohaté kultúrne dedičstvo svätých Cyrila a Metoda. Vrcholom podujatia bola prezentácia pani Martiny Janochovej, projektovej manažérky Cyrilometodskej cesty, kultúrnej cesty uznanej Radou Európy. Konferencia zdôraznila trvalý význam cyrilometodského dedičstva pre Európu, pričom sa zamerala na pamiatky, artefakty a rukopisy spojené s ich odkazom. Hlavné diskusie sa sústredili na to, ako ich duchovný a kultúrny prínos môže podporiť kultúrny turizmus a posilniť pozíciu Skopje ako politického a kultúrneho centra.
Prezentácie sa venovali témam ako:
Duchovné pamiatky a katedrálne chrámy spojené so svätými v Skopje.
Výnimočné pamiatky venované svätým Cyrilovi a Metodovi v centre mesta.
Úloha kultúrneho dedičstva pri rozvoji kultúrneho cestovného ruchu v Skopje a jeho okolí.
Vizuálny rozmer programu dodala výstava fotografií Pavla Demeša, ktorá predstavila miesta spojené s cestami svätých Cyrila a Metoda.
9. októbra účastníci navštívili kláštor Matka, v ktorom sa nachádzajú fresky z 15. storočia zobrazujúce svätého Cyrila a svätého Klimenta Ochridského, ako aj malebný kaňon Matka. Konferencia potvrdila hlboký vplyv cyrilo-metodského kultúrneho dedičstva v Severnom Macedónsku, ktorý sa prejavuje v hmotnej i nehmotnej podobe. Poukázala tiež na nové možnosti kultúrneho cestovného ruchu, ktorý spája poznanie a voľný čas s cieľom zvýšiť uznanie odkazu svätcov. Podujatie malo rozsiahle mediálne pokrytie na online platformách, v televíznych programoch a dennej tlači v Severnom Macedónsku.
Cyrilometodská cesta: reflexia úspešného stretnutia a plány do budúcnosti
3. októbra 2024, Nitra, Slovensko
Mesto Nitra hostilo 3. októbra 2024 druhý ročník stretnutia slovenských členov Európskej kultúrnej cesty svätých Cyrila a Metoda. Toto podujatie slúži ako dôležitá platforma na výmenu názorov a plánovanie aktivít, ktoré podporujú a rozvíjajú Cestu.
Program zahŕňal deväť kľúčových bodov, o ktorých diskutovali prítomní zástupcovia a účastníci online. Medzi hlavné body patrili aktuálne informácie národného koordinátora o posledných aktivitách, prehľad a vylepšenie bodov záujmu na Cyrilometodskej ceste a prezentácia analytických údajov zozbieraných v Nitrianskom kraji.
Členovia sa tiež podelili o postrehy z letných podujatí, ako sú Historické slávnosti na Devíne, Nitrianske slávnosti, Cyrilometodské slávnosti v Terchovej a Bojnej a divadelný festival Gorazdov Močenok. Tieto podujatia významne prispeli ku kultúrnej identite a miestnemu cestovnému ruchu.
Cyrilometodská cesta: reflexia úspešného stretnutia a plány do budúcnosti
Mesto Nitra hostilo 3. októbra 2024 druhý ročník stretnutia slovenských členov Európskej kultúrnej cesty svätých Cyrila a Metoda. Toto podujatie slúži ako dôležitá platforma na výmenu názorov a plánovanie aktivít, ktoré podporujú a rozvíjajú Cestu. Program zahŕňal deväť kľúčových bodov, o ktorých diskutovali prítomní zástupcovia a účastníci online. Medzi hlavné body patrili aktuálne informácie národného koordinátora o nedávnych aktivitách, prehľad a vylepšenie zaujímavých miest na Cyrilometodskej ceste a prezentácia analytických údajov zozbieraných v Nitrianskom kraji.
Členovia sa tiež podelili o postrehy z letných podujatí, ako sú Historické slávnosti na Devíne, Nitrianske slávnosti, Cyrilometodské slávnosti v Terchovej a Bojnej a divadelný festival Gorazdov Močenok. Tieto podujatia významne prispeli ku kultúrnej identite a miestnemu cestovnému ruchu.
Počas zasadnutia členovia rokovali o použití členských príspevkov na rok 2024 a predstavili plánované aktivity na rok 2025. Okrem toho na zasadnutí vystúpila konzultantka a autorka strategických dokumentov pre EKCsCM na slovenskej strane Iveta Niňajová.
Toto stretnutie podčiarkuje význam spolupráce a výmeny poznatkov medzi členmi, čo ďalej posilňuje rozvoj Cyrilometodskej cesty ako významného kultúrneho projektu.
Cyrilometodská cesta predstavená na výročnom konzultačnom fóre v Maďarsku
25.-27. septembra 2024, Visegrád, Maďarsko
V dňoch 25. - 27. septembra 2024 sa vo Visegráde (Maďarsko) uskutočnilo 13. výročné konzultačné fórum Rady Európy o kultúrnych cestách. Fórum, ktoré zorganizovala Rozšírená čiastková dohoda o kultúrnych cestách (EPA) a Európsky inštitút kultúrnych ciest v spolupráci s maďarským ministerstvom kultúry a inovácií a skanzenom Szentendre, slúžilo ako platforma na skúmanie tém transferu a inovácií. Diskusie sa zamerali na zapojenie mladších generácií do kultúrnych trás Rady Európy a zároveň na zabezpečenie zachovania rozsiahleho európskeho kultúrneho dedičstva. Na podujatí sa zúčastnilo viac ako 300 účastníkov vrátane zástupcov 41 členských štátov EPA, 48 certifikovaných kultúrnych trás, medzinárodných organizácií, ako sú UNWTO a UNESCO, členov siete univerzitných kultúrnych trás a odborníkov na cestovný ruch.
Cyrilometodská cesta predstavená na výročnom konzultačnom fóre v Maďarsku
V dňoch 25. - 27. septembra 2024 sa vo Visegráde (Maďarsko) uskutočnilo 13. výročné konzultačné fórum Rady Európy o kultúrnych cestách. Fórum, ktoré zorganizovala Rozšírená čiastková dohoda o kultúrnych cestách (EPA) a Európsky inštitút kultúrnych ciest v spolupráci s maďarským ministerstvom kultúry a inovácií a skanzenom Szentendre, slúžilo ako platforma na skúmanie tém transferu a inovácií. Diskusie sa zamerali na zapojenie mladších generácií do kultúrnych trás Rady Európy a zároveň na zabezpečenie zachovania rozsiahleho európskeho kultúrneho dedičstva. Na podujatí sa zúčastnilo viac ako 300 účastníkov vrátane zástupcov 41 členských štátov EPA, 48 certifikovaných kultúrnych trás, medzinárodných organizácií, ako sú UNWTO a UNESCO, členov siete univerzitných kultúrnych trás a odborníkov na cestovný ruch.
Cyrilometodskú cestu hrdo reprezentoval Ing. Tatiana Mikušová (Slovenský dom Centrope), Mgr. Terézia Zaujecová (Krajská organizácia cestovného ruchu Nitrianskeho kraja) a Dr. Elka Zlateva (Cyrilometodské výskumné centrum Bulharskej akadémie vied v Sofii). V rámci panelovej diskusie o medzigeneračnom prenose tradičných vedomostí a postupov vystúpili Ing. Martina Janochová zo Stáleho sekretariátu Cyrilometodskej cesty podelila o osvedčené postupy pri zapájaní mladých ľudí. Vyzdvihla aktivity, ako napr:
- Tvorivé dielne zamerané na hlaholiku v školách,
- Medzinárodná študentská konferencia v Solúne,
- Celosvetová študentská súťaž organizovaná Cyrilometodským výskumným centrom v Sofii pre bulharské školy v zahraničí.
Účasť Cyrilometodskej cesty na fóre zdôraznila jej úlohu ako jedinečného kultúrneho fenoménu spájajúceho dedičstvo a inovácie. Cesta nielenže podporuje vzdelávacie príležitosti, ale aj medzigeneračný dialóg, čím sa stáva príkladným modelom kultúrneho turizmu a zachovania kultúrneho dedičstva.
13.-14. septembra 2024, Bratislava, Slovensko
V dňoch 13. - 14. septembra 2024 sa na výstavisku Incheba v Bratislave konal 2. ročník medzinárodnej výstavy stavieb a zariadení kostolov a cirkevných objektov a cirkevného umenia SACRO EXPO SLOVAKIA.
Cyrilometodská cesta je kombináciou kultúrneho zážitku a púte postavenej na duchovnom dedičstve svätých Cyrila a Metoda, ktoré spája národy celej Európy. Kombinácia duchovnosti, radosti z putovania a kultúrneho zážitku je často motiváciou, ktorá vedie jednotlivcov a spoločenstvá k objavovaniu.
This was the main idea behind the promotion of the Cyril and Methodius Pilgrimage project in this exhibition, which combined the offer of artists of specific professions with the practical life of individual parishes, pilgrimage sites and communities.
Participants had the opportunity to learn about the attractions, projects and activities of the Cyril and Methodius Way in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and, through the website, in other countries involved in the European Cultural Journey of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
On 13-14 September 2024, the 2nd edition of the international exhibition of construction and equipment of churches and church facilities and church art SACRO EXPO SLOVAKIA took place at the Incheba exhibition centre in Bratislava . The Cyril and Methodius Route is a combination of a cultural experience and a pilgrimage built on the spiritual legacy of Saints Cyril and Methodius, which unites nations across Europe. The combination of spirituality, the joy of wandering and cultural experience is often the motivation that drives individuals and communities to explore.
This was the main idea behind the promotion of the Cyril and Methodius Pilgrimage project in this exhibition, which combined the offer of artists of specific professions with the practical life of individual parishes, pilgrimage sites and communities.
Participants had the opportunity to learn about the attractions, projects and activities of the Cyril and Methodius Way in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and, through the website, in other countries involved in the European Cultural Journey of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
Cyril and Methodius Route Evaluated at International Conference in Kroměříž
10 September 2024, Kroměříž, Czech Republic
The development of the Cyril and Methodius Route and its potential for international tourism were the main topics of a conference held on September 10 at the Archbishop’s Palace in Kroměříž. The event was organized by the Association of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Representatives of the association presented activities carried out since 2021, when the route received the Cultural Route certification from the Council of Europe. The association will defend this prestigious certification in May 2025.
“The idea of the Cyril and Methodius Route originated in the Zlín Region about 14 years ago. Major achievements include the certification by the Council of Europe in 2021 and the inclusion of the Metropolitan City of Rome in the association this spring. It is incredible how far we have come in such a short time, and I want to thank everyone for their cooperation. I believe that the members and partners of the route will continue to develop the relationships we have established and create a strong international team,” said Lubomír Traub, chairman of the organizing association and Deputy Governor of the Zlín Region for Tourism.
Cyril and Methodius Route Evaluated at International Conference in Kroměříž
The development of the Cyril and Methodius Route and its potential for international tourism were the main topics of a conference held on September 10 at the Archbishop’s Palace in Kroměříž. The event was organized by the Association of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Representatives of the association presented activities carried out since 2021, when the route received the Cultural Route certification from the Council of Europe. The association will defend this prestigious certification in May 2025.
“The idea of the Cyril and Methodius Route originated in the Zlín Region about 14 years ago. Major achievements include the certification by the Council of Europe in 2021 and the inclusion of the Metropolitan City of Rome in the association this spring. It is incredible how far we have come in such a short time, and I want to thank everyone for their cooperation. I believe that the members and partners of the route will continue to develop the relationships we have established and create a strong international team,” said Lubomír Traub, chairman of the organizing association and Deputy Governor of the Zlín Region for Tourism.
The conference also featured speeches by the Governor of the Zlín Region, Radim Holiš, and the Mayor of Kroměříž, Tomáš Opatrný. Former MEP Martina Dlabajová emphasized in her speech that the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe tell stories of shared history, promote travel across space and time, and strengthen intercultural dialogue. According to her, the route has great appeal and endless creative potential. This is why it has been close to her heart from the beginning, and she dedicated two of the four exhibitions she organized in the European Parliament to this cultural route.
Zuzana Vojtová, the director of the association, spoke about the development of the route as a tourism product. She noted that the tourism product evolves over time, gradually developing its content and network of partners, making teamwork and the support of the Zlín Region and other members extremely important. In the future, she plans to focus more on marketing and visibility, as well as the development of offered services. Good practices from abroad, including Slovakia, Italy’s Aquileia, and the St. Olaf Route in the Nordic countries, were also presented at the conference.
The chairman of the association’s Scientific Committee, Prof. Peter Ivanič from Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, presented the activities of the association’s international expert committee and the results of his latest research on the life and relics of St. Cyril. He views the Cyril and Methodius Route as a different dimension of the Cyril and Methodius cultural heritage. The results of his four-year research on the life and relics of St. Cyril in Europe can serve as a basis for another tourism product aimed at those who wish to pay homage to this saint.
Two exhibitions were also on display at the conference: “The Life of St. Constantine-Cyril and the Veneration of His Relics” and “Selected Realities and Memorial Sites of Nitra from the Great Moravian and Medieval Periods,” prepared by Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, and “Aquileia, a World Heritage Site” by the Aquileia Foundation. The Aquileia exhibition will be on display near the ticket office at the palace until the end of October.
After the conference, participants had the opportunity to tour the UNESCO-listed palace, specifically the Via Magnifica circuit. The event was organized in cooperation with the Administration of the Archbishop’s Palace and Gardens in Kroměříž, the city of Kroměříž, and the East Moravia Tourism Center.
Conference program available at: Conference Kroměříž (
Along the Cyril and Methodius Route from Kácov to Bystřice nad Pernštejnem
22nd-28th July 2024, Kácov – Bystřice nad Pernštejnem, Czech Republic
Almost 30 pilgrims, the youngest of whom was only 9 months old and the oldest of whom was a respectable 78 years old, set off from Kácov on the Sázava River to Bystřice nad Pernštejnem in the penultimate week of July. They walked about 140 kilometres along the signposted Cyril and Methodius Route. They completed the second stage of a three-year journey from Levý Hradec in Central Bohemia to the Moravian Velehrad, where they plan to reach in 2025.
“Every year, in cooperation with pilgrimage personalities, we organise a pilgrimage along one of the selected trails of Saints Cyril and Methodius Route. In the Czech Republic alone, these trails cover almost 930 km and all converge on Velehrad. This year it was the turn to introduce a very attractive trail from Posázaví through Vysočina, where there are many interesting sights such as the medieval castle in Ledec nad Sázavou, the castle in Přibyslav, Santini’s Church of St. John of Nepomuk in Žďár nad Sázavou or the ancient Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Vítochov. In autumn, we invite you to a long-distance journey from the Polish Visla across Radhošt’ to Velehrad,” said Lubomír Traub.
Along the Cyril and Methodius Route from Kácov to Bystřice nad Pernštejnem
Almost 30 pilgrims, the youngest of whom was only 9 months old and the oldest of whom was a respectable 78 years old, set off from Kácov on the Sázava River to Bystřice nad Pernštejnem in the penultimate week of July. They walked about 140 kilometres along the signposted Cyril and Methodius Route. They completed the second stage of a three-year journey from Levý Hradec in Central Bohemia to the Moravian Velehrad, where they plan to reach in 2025.
“Every year, in cooperation with pilgrimage personalities, we organise a pilgrimage along one of the selected trails of Saints Cyril and Methodius Route. In the Czech Republic alone, these trails cover almost 930 km and all converge on Velehrad. This year it was the turn to introduce a very attractive trail from Posázaví through Vysočina, where there are many interesting sights such as the medieval castle in Ledec nad Sázavou, the castle in Přibyslav, Santini’s Church of St. John of Nepomuk in Žďár nad Sázavou or the ancient Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Vítochov. In autumn, we invite you to a long-distance journey from the Polish Visla across Radhošt’ to Velehrad,” said Lubomír Traub, chairman of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius and deputy governor of the Zlín Region.
“I conceived the hiking as a multi-year journey because of the length of the trail. It is a beautiful trail in terms of landscape and monuments, but I also see it as a national trail. This year the weather was good and we received many nice welcomes in the towns we passed through. In Kácov the mayor invited us to visit the reconstructed castle, in Světlá nad Sázavou we visited the local underground. In Havlíčkův Brod we visited the medieval Štáfl’s cottage and the mayor invited us to visit the gallery. In Zruč nad Sázavou we received local honey and a book about the UNESCO monument – the Church of St. John of Nepomuk on Zelená hora. Just like last year, a blind pilgrim, Hanka, was with us the whole way.”
The official signposting of the trails with the symbol of the Cyril and Methodius Route – the figures of the patron saints
– The individual routes are described in detail on the website, where they are also divided into recommended one-day stages.
28th-30th May 2024, Zlin Region, Czech Republic
The East Moravia Tourist Authority and the Norwegian destination company Trondelag Reiseliv have successfully launched an international cooperation project aimed at developing thematic cultural routes. This project, which took place from May 28 to 30, 2024, focused on exchanging experiences and best practices among experts in promotion and destination management, human resources development, and joint activities with a foreign partner.
The East Moravia Tourist Authority and the Norwegian destination company Trondelag Reiseliv have successfully launched an international cooperation project aimed at developing thematic cultural routes. This project, which took place from May 28 to 30, 2024, focused on exchanging experiences and best practices among experts in promotion and destination management, human resources development, and joint activities with a foreign partner.
Programme of the Visit
The Norwegian delegation completed a three-day programme, visiting key sites along the Cyril and Methodius Route. On the first day, they explored the core area of the Route, including the Monument of Great Moravia – Cyril and Methodius Centre in Staré Město, the Open-Air Archaeological Museum in Modrá, and the Velehrad Pilgrimage Site. The second day involved a hike from Pustevny via Radhošt’ to Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, where they visited the Pustevny Gate Information Centre, the restored Libušín, and the Chapel of Saints Cyril and Methodius on Radhošt’. The third day was dedicated to discussions on the functioning, promotion, and potential forms of cooperation between the two international partner networks.
Participants of the Study Visit
The study visit included representatives from several key organizations. From Norway, experts from Trøndelag Reiseliv, The Association for the Route of St. Olav Ways, and the City of Trondheim participated. Czech representatives included members from the East Moravia Tourist Authority, the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius, and the Moravian-Silesian Region. This diverse group of experts facilitated a rich exchange of experiences and ideas.
Objectives of the Meeting
The primary objective of the meeting was to identify specific areas of common interest, such as pilgrimage tourism, cultural tourism, food tourism, and local product tourism. Trondelag Reiseliv, with its extensive experience in promoting and managing the St. Olav’s Way in Norway, shared its know-how and best practices.
Highlights of the Cooperation
- Exchange of Experience and Good Practices: The Norwegian partner presented its methods and strategies for promoting the St. Olav’s Way, including certification of tourist services, involvement of local producers and craftsmen, and effective marketing campaigns.
- Human Resource Development: The study visit enabled an exchange of knowledge and experience between experts from both countries, crucial for human resource development and capacity building in destination management.
- Identified Areas of Common Interest: Specific areas such as pilgrimage tourism, cultural tourism, food tourism, and local product tourism were identified for further development.
Practices from the St. Olav’s Way
During Thursday’s meeting, practices from the St. Olav Way were highlighted as important for developing cultural routes in the Zlín Region. The Norwegian partner emphasized the importance of early cooperation with local communities, municipalities, and private entities for the successful implementation and sustainability of the tourism product.
Future Steps
The East Moravia Tourism Centre plans to implement similar strategies and methods used on the St. Olav Way for developing the Cyril and Methodius Route. The goal is to involve service providers in the tourism product and create an attractive and sustainable tourism offering that will draw visitors from around the world.
The visit of the Norwegian experts marked a significant step in deepening the cooperation between the East Moravia Tourist Authority and Trøndelag Reiseliv. Joint activities and the exchange of experiences will greatly contribute to the development of cultural routes and the strengthening of tourism in both regions.
This study visit took place within the framework of the project: International Cooperation in the Development of Thematic Cultural Routes funded by the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021, Bilateral Cooperation.
23th May 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria
Thanks to the invitation of the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the City of Sofia, the Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe became part of the Bulgarian national celebrations of the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. A photo exhibition “About Cyril and Methodius, Now and Then” was opened in the historical part of the city called Serdica. A general assembly of the members of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius was also held. Participants came from the Czechia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia and Greece, with others joining online. On the Bulgarian side, the meeting was attended for example by Stefan Hadzhitodorov, Vice President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Gorchev, Director of the Archaeological Museum Veliki Preslav, and Slavia Barlieva, Deputy Director of the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. All present were also personally welcomed by the Deputy Mayor of Sofia Yana Genova.
Thanks to the invitation of the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the City of Sofia, the Cyril and Methodius Route - Cultural Route of the Council of Europe became part of the Bulgarian national celebrations of the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
A photo exhibition “About Cyril and Methodius, Now and Then” was opened in the historical part of the city called Serdica. A general assembly of the members of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius was also held. Participants came from the Czechia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia and Greece, with others joining online. On the Bulgarian side, the meeting was attended for example by Stefan Hadzhitodorov, Vice President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Gorchev, Director of the Archaeological Museum Veliki Preslav, and Slavia Barlieva, Deputy Director of the Cyrillo-Methodian Research Centre at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. All present were also personally welcomed by the Deputy Mayor of Sofia Yana Genova.
“We very much appreciate the invitation of the City of Sofia and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences to organize a regular meeting of members at this time, when the great importance of the Thessaloniki brothers for the development of the culture of the Slavic peoples is commemorated. We discussed the possibilities of promoting the Cyril and Methodius Route as well as educational, cultural and professional activities. An important point of the meeting was also the extension to other important European members – the Metropolitan City of Rome, the City of Aquileia and the Academy of Supraska from Poland,” said Lubomír Traub, deputy governor of the Zlín Region and chairman of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius Association.
The celebrations culminated on 24 May with a traditional procession from the presidential residence to the National Library of Saints Cyril and Methodius, where the official celebrations were launched. Participants were also invited to a video mapping screening at the National Library of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
The Cyril and Methodius Route, which brings together sites, monuments, cultural institutions and tourist attractions in the countries of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, is one of 47 cultural trails certified by the Council of Europe. The association developing the route has currently 36 members from 10 countries – the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy. Its activities promote the living Cyrillo-Methodian heritage and values based on respect and dialogue between people of different cultures and faiths.
International Scientific Conference Christian Values and Sustainable Society
17. apríla 2024, Nitra, Slovensko
The conference “Christian Values and Sustainable Society” was held in Nitra on 17 April 2024. The conference was held under the auspices of Mons. prof. Viliam Judák, PhD. – Bishop of Nitra and prof. RNDr. Libor Vozár, PhD. – Rector of the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra. The conference was attended by experts from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Greece. One of the key themes of the conference was the interpretation and evaluation of the significance of the Cyril and Methodius mission in the context of the European value tradition and its relevance for contemporary religiosity and sustainable society. Peter Ivanič and Martin Hetényi addressed the question of the implementation of Christian values in the environment of the Cultural Routes approved by the Council of Europe. A wide-ranging discussion developed on the topic of the content of European values, with calls for the specification and concretization of key European values in their connection to the Cyril and Methodius tradition. The question of European identity, which is directly linked to Christian culture and the tradition of values, was also discussed.
28. apríla 2024, Kopčany-Mikulčice, Slovensko-Česko
Hiking from Kopčany to Mikulčice in the footsteps of Great Moravia with guides opened the tourist season on the Cyril and Methodius Route on 28 April. It attracted around 40 participants from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. They visited both the monuments reminiscent of the early Middle Ages – the unique church of St. Margaret of Antioch in Kopčany and the Slavic Hillfort in Mikulčice, as well as monuments from the Baroque period – the Imperial and Royal Stud and the Duck Farm in Kopčany. There are about 930 km of long-distance Cyril and Methodius routes in the Czech Republic and they converge at Velehrad. In Slovakia, it is another 570 km. This year’s tourist and pilgrimage season started in the Czech-Slovak border area on the Cyril and Methodius Route leading from Kopčany to Mikulčice.
Hiking from Kopčany to Mikulčice in the footsteps of Great Moravia with guides opened the tourist season on the Cyril and Methodius Route on 28 April. It attracted around 40 participants from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. They visited both the monuments reminiscent of the early Middle Ages - the unique church of St. Margaret of Antioch in Kopčany and the Slavic Hillfort in Mikulčice, as well as monuments from the Baroque period - the Imperial and Royal Stud and the Duck Farm in Kopčany.
“”There are about 930 km of long-distance trails of the Cyril and Methodius Route in the Czech Republic and they converge at Velehrad. In Slovakia it is another 570 km. This year’s tourist and pilgrimage season started in the Czech-Slovak border area on the Cyril and Methodius Route leading from Kopčany to Mikulčice. Some monuments along the trail commemorate the glorious period of Great Moravia. We are drawing attention to our common cultural roots and heritage,” said Lubomír Traub, chairman of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
The trail through the flat floodplain landscape near the Morava River connects several unique monuments. It starts at the reconstructed 18th century stud farm, where you can see, for example, the former chapel or the representative rooms. It continues to the Church of St. Margaret of Antioch, the only surviving building in Central Europe that remembers the times of Great Moravia. Nearby is the reconstructed Duck Farm with a museum and information centre, a former farmstead. You can cross the river state border to the Czech side via the modern Great Moravia Footbridge, which was opened in 2019. The tour through the Mikulčice Meadow Nature Park can end with a visit to the Slavic Hillfort in Mikulčice, which has been the subject of systematic archaeological excavations since the 1950s.
“Our intention is to spread awareness of the Cyril and Methodius Route, which is why this year we are organising guided tours for the public along several trails. We hope that more people will be inspired by them and start to set out in search of knowledge and relaxation. The trail leads mostly through picturesque countryside around remarkable monuments of our cultural history. They can share their experiences in our public Facebook group Cyril and Methodius Route,” said Zuzana Vojtová, director of the organizing Association.
The event was held in cooperation with the following partners: the Záhorské múzeum Skalica – Múzeum Kopčany exposition, the Kopčany municipality, the Trnava self-governing region, the Slavic Hillfort in Mikulčice, the South Moravian Region, the Moravian Slovakia Region, the Zlín Region.
3rd April 2024, Kopčany – Mikulčice, Czech Republic
The European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius invites fans of tourism and cultural heritage to a one-day guided tour along the Cyril and Methodius Route from Kopčany to Mikulčice, following the footsteps of Great Moravia. The event will take place on Sunday 28 April 2024 from 10 am. There are several pilgrimages along the Cyril and Methodius routes every year. There are about 930 km of these trails in the Czech Republic alone and they converge at Velehrad. In Slovakia, it is another 570 km. This year’s hiking and pilgrimage season will start in the Czech-Slovak border area on the Cyril and Methodius Route going from Kopčany to Mikulčice. Some monuments along the trail commemorate the glorious period of Great Moravia. This is a reminder of our common cultural roots and heritage.
The European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius invites fans of tourism and cultural heritage to a one-day guided tour along the Cyril and Methodius Route from Kopčany to Mikulčice, following the footsteps of Great Moravia. The event will take place on Sunday 28 April 2024 from 10 am. “Every year we organise several journeys along the Cyril and Methodius trails. There are about 930 km of these trails in the Czech Republic alone and they converge at Velehrad. In Slovakia, it is another 570 km. This year’s hiking and pilgrimage season will start in the Czech-Slovak border area on the Cyril and Methodius Route going from Kopčany to Mikulčice. Some monuments along the trail commemorate the glorious period of Great Moravia. We are drawing attention to our common cultural roots and heritage,” said Lubomír Traub, chairman of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
The trail leading through the flat floodplain landscape near the Morava River connects several unique sights. It starts at the reconstructed 18th century stud farm, where you can see, for example, the former chapel or the representative rooms. It continues to the Church of St. Margaret of Antioch, the only surviving building in Central Europe that remembers the times of Great Moravia. Nearby is the reconstructed Kačenreň with a museum and information centre, a former farmstead. On the Czech side, we will cross the river state border via the modern Great Moravia Footbridge, which was opened in 2019. We will end our hiking through the Mikulčice Meadow Nature Park with a visit to the Slavic Hillfort in Mikulčice and uncover the treasures of the Great Moravian past, which have been the subject of systematic archaeological excavations since the 1950s.
The event is held in cooperation with the following partners: Museum of Záhorie in Skalica – exposition Museum Kopčany, Municipality Kopčany, Trnava Self-Governing Region, Slavic Hillfort in Mikulčice, South Moravian Region, Moravian Slovakia Region.
Please note: Capacity is limited to 50 persons! Registration is required via the event website. Hiking the Cyril and Methodius Route from Kopčany to Mikulčice | Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe (
Trail map:
Time: 28 April 2024, 10.00 – 16.00
Event schedule:
10.00 – 10.15 Meeting at the IC Kopčany and the start of the hiking: handing out of passports and information about the Cyril and Methodius Route, trails and their signposting (EKSCM), passport stamp.
10.15 – 10.45 Tour of the stud farm (built by F. Š. Lotrinsky, Maria Theresa’s husband in 1745). Visit to a part of the original stable, the former chapel and the former representative room in the so-called Small Manor House.
10.45 – 12.00 Transfer to the Church of St. Margaret of Antioch + tour and interpretation of its origin and significance.
12.00 – 12.10 Transfer to the Kačenarna building (stamp).
12.10 – 12.50 Tour of the reconstructed Duck House.
12.50 – 14.00 Transfer – Kačenreň Museum – Great Moravia Footbridge – Slavic settlement Mikulčice.
14.00 – 16.00 Sightseeing of the Slavic Hillfort in Mikulčice, observation tower in the visitor centre (stamp), possibility of a quick snack in the bistro.
16.00 End of the event.
The organizer provides a bus for transport from the hillfort on the way Mikulčice – Hodonín – Kopčany.
Change of the programme reserved. Admission to the event and the buildings is voluntary.
Contacts to the main organizer:
European Cultural Routes of Saints Cyril and Methodius, AILE.
J. A. Bati 5520, 760 01 Zlín, Česká republika FB @cyril.methodius.route
23. marca 2024, Rím, Taliansko
Basilica of Saint Praxedes in Rome newly bears the symbol of the Cyril Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. This happened two years after the signing of the memorandum of cooperation between this basilica and the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius association. According to the generally accepted opinion, the basilica with the adjacent monastery is the place where the Thessalonica brothers most likely stayed when they were in Rome. In addition, a Slavic liturgy was approved in the nearby Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. In the papal Basilica of San Clemente, not far from the famous Colosseum, is the grave of St. Cyril.
Basilica of Saint Praxedes in Rome newly bears the symbol of the Cyril Methodius Route - Cultural Route of the Council of Europe. This happened two years after the signing of the memorandum of cooperation between this basilica and the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius association.
"According to the generally accepted opinion, the basilica with the adjacent monastery is the place where the Thessalonica brothers most likely stayed when they were in Rome. In addition, a Slavic liturgy was approved in the nearby Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. In the papal Basilica of San Clemente, not far from the famous Colosseum, is the grave of St. Cyril. The mentioned three basilicas belong to places that not only worshipers of the Cyril and Methodius legacy, but also visitors to the beautiful and historic city of Rome, should not miss," said Lubomír Traub, deputy governor of the Zlín Region and Chairperson of the European Cultural Route of Sts. Cyril and Methodius. Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Holy See H.E. Václav Kolaja also negotiated the designation with representatives of the association and the Zlín Region.
Because Rome is one of the essential places of the Cyril and Methodius Route due to its direct connection with the lives of the Saint Brothers, we are intensively negotiating the establishment of membership in an association with the Metropolitan City of Rome. Deputy Mayor Pierluigi Sanna visited the Zlín Region and the core of the Cyril and Methodius Route in July of last year. Even then, he showed interest in the joint development and promotion of the Cyril and Methodius Route certified in 2021 by the Council of Europe. Great expectations are due to the approaching jubilee year of 2025. Basilica of St. Praxedes (Basilica di Santa Prassede) is open daily and daily at 6 p.m. Holy Mass is celebrated here. Decoration of the Basilica of St. Praxedes from the 9th century is one of the highest manifestations of the art of this period. The memorial plaque on the outer wall of the church still reminds us of the temporary home of our cultural ancestors.
More about this place here:
Basilica of Santa Prassede – Cyril and Methodius Route – Cultural Route of the Council of Europe (
Photo of sign – archive of the Embassy of the Czech Republic to the Holy See
Photo of the interior of the basilica –
6th December 2023, Aquileia, Italy
An exhibition on the Cyril and Methodius Route – the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe – opened last week in Aquileia, Italy, in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. The opening of the exhibition took place on the 6th of December on the occasion of a conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the UNESCO inscription of the Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia. Mrs. Dana Daňová, Chair of the Managing Committee of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius, presented how the Cyril and Methodius Route benefits from international cooperation with other Council of Europe Cultural Routes, such as Via Francigena, Via Romea Germanica or Via Romea Strata.
14th November 2023, Mojmírovce, Slovakia
The European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius is expanding with 9 new members from four European countries. The new members are Velehrad Municipality (Czech Republic), Modrá Municipality (Czech Republic), Bojná Municipality (Slovakia), Žilina Self-Governing Region (Slovakia), the civic association EUROPEAN ROUTE C&M (Slovakia), Mojmir Foundation (Slovakia), the Institute of Macedonian Literature at the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Skopje (Nothern Macedonia), Institute of Old Slavic Culture Prilep (Northern Macedonia) and the Archaeological Museum of Veliki Preslav (Bulgaria). The Association, which is dedicated to the development of the Cyril and Methodius Route – the Cultural Route of the Council of Europe, has already 33 official members from 9 countries.
24th October 2023, Bunč – Velehrad, Czech Republic
Councillors of the Zlín Region together with Bishop Nuzík of Olomouc on the Cyril and Methodius Route leading from Bunč to Velehrad. “In the further development of the Cyril and Methodius Route, cooperation and communication with our partners, including the municipalities along its trail, is crucial for us. We therefore took this opportunity to visit several of them during our journey, where we met and discussed with the local mayors. Together, we realise that the centre of the marked trails in the Velehrad area has extraordinary potential and there is a need for quality services and accompanying infrastructure,” said Lubomír Traub, chairman of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius and deputy governor of the Zlín Region.
20th November – 1st December 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
Schools can register their pupils and students aged 13-17 for the two-day Student Conference in Thessaloniki (Greece) focused on the subject of the personalities, contribution and legacy of Cyril and Methodius. The student conference is organized on the occasion of the 1160th anniversary of the cultural heritage of Cyril and Methodius, the Thessaloniki saints and Slavic heralds. The conference will take place on November 30 – December 1, 2023 at the Thessaloniki City Hall. If you are interested, please fill in the following Application form. Any questions should be directed to the external relations department of the city of Thessaloniki:
9th September 2023, Terchová, Slovakia
The Great Cyril and Methodius Pilgrimage from Zašová through the Beskydy Mountains to Terchová on the Little Fatra Mountain was finished with a climb to the Big Rozsutec. The group of 30 pilgrims was led along the 150 km long Cyril and Methodius Route by Petr Hirsch, a well-known promoter of the hiking along pilgrimage trail. It’s a very special experience for the hiker, and it’s a very special experience for me.”
Pilgrims gathered in Zašová on September 3, where they viewed the grounds of the Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary and the former monastery. From Zašová, they continued to the Wallachian Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, where they were greeted by the Director General Jindřich Ondruš, who was one of the initiators of the Cyril and Methodius Route when he was a Councillor of the Zlín Region.
A group of pilgrims hike from Zašová to Terchová, a welcome awaited them at the Wallachian Open Air Museum
4th September 2023, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech Republic
On the first day of the new school year – Monday, 4 September 2023, the Great Cyril and Methodius Pilgrimage from Zašová through the Beskydy Mountains to Terchová to Malá Fatra has begun. A group of 30 pilgrims is being led along the 150 km long Cyril and Methodius route by Petr Hirsch, a well-known promoter of hiking. The route connects four important pilgrimage sites: the Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary in Zašová, the Chapel of St. Cyril and Methodius on Radhošt’, the Church of Our Lady Mother of the Church on Živčáková Hill and the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius in Terchová.
1st August 2023, Modrá, Czech Republic
In the village of Modrá near Velehrad, the foundation stone of the construction of the Treasury of Great Moravia was blessed by the Velehrad chaplain Jiří Hebron. The stone with the legacy of the inhabitants of Modrá will be set into its masonry. The new, underground attraction will be built this year and opened to the public on 20 June 2024. It will offer visitors the most precious thing – finds of precious Great Moravian jewellery. This is symbolically 20 years after the construction of the local Archaeoskanzen began on the green meadow, which reminds us of the way of life in Great Moravia, including the time of Constantine-Cyril and Methodius.
26th July 2023, Levý Hradec – Kácov, Czech Republic
A group of 25 pilgrims celebrated the 1160th anniversary of the arrival of Constantine and Methodius in Great Moravia by walking the 100 km long trail of Cyril and Methodius Route from Levý Hradec to Kácov in the region of Posázaví. It is the first stage of a three-year pilgrimage from Central Bohemia to Velehrad in Moravia, which will continue with two more stages in 2024 and 2025. It is a pilot pilgrimage along the 420 km long marked Cyril and Methodius Route in the direction from Levý Hradec to Velehrad.
Saint Gorazd Nature Trail
18th July 2023, Močenok – Nitra, Slovakia
On Wednesday, 26 July 2023, at 15.00, Father Bishop František Rábek, the military Ordinary of the Slovak Armed Forces, blessed the Saint Gorazd Nature Trail. It starts at the Church of St. Clement in Močenok and continues mostly along forest roads to the Millennium Cross in front of Nitra. Father Bishop, together with 45 pilgrims, walked the 13.5 km long section of the trail and then proceeded to the pastoral centre at the Parish Church of Saint Gorazd in Nitra and further on to Nitra Castle. He walked the entire 19 km long trail and then celebrated Holy Mass together with the Auxiliary Bishop of Nitra, Peter Beno, in the Basilica of St. Emeram.
The City of Rome declared its interest in cooperation in the field of tourism development and the Cyril and Methodius Route
11th July 2023, Stare Město, Czech Republic
The signing of the cooperation agreement was confirmed at the Cyril and Methodius Centre in the Memorial of Great Moravia in Staré Město near Uherské Hradiště by the Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan City of Rome Pierluigi Sanna and the Governor of the Zlín Region Radim Holiš. One of the areas of deepening contacts, creating joint projects and exchanging experiences is tourism. Specifically, representatives of the Metropolitan City of Rome are to jointly develop and promote the Cyril and Methodius Route certified in 2021 by the Council of Europe. They have high expectations for the Christian Jubilee Year 2025, when millions of pilgrims will be heading to Rome and other pilgrimage sites
Workshops in Slovak Folk Majolica in Modra
5th June 2023, Viterbo, Italy
History can be fun for children too! We treated them to an experience thanks to which they learned and tried something new. The Slovak Folk Majolica in Modra, in cooperation with the Slovak House Centrope and with the support of the city of Modra and the Bratislava Self-Governing Region, organized an experiential workshop on the theme of “Glagolitic”.
In June, students of primary and secondary schools in Modra got the opportunity to get acquainted with the Glagolitic script in the Slovak Folk Majolica in Modra. Under expert guidance they modelled the letters in Glagolitic so that they could write their names with them. In the process, they listened to a history lecture from the period of Great Moravia and through virtual reality they could see a projection of the Neštich fortress and the ancient church in Kopčany.
12th June 2023, Viterbo, Italy
On 12 June, the Cyril and Methodius Route, together with the Italy-based cultural routes Via Francigena and Romea Strata, held a presentation on the paths of culture and faith in front of journalists at the City Hall of Viterbo in the Lazio Region. Among the speakers present were Alessandra Croci, City Councillor responsible for Via Francigena and Jubilee 2025, Silvio Franco, Councillor for Local Economic Development and Tourism, Massimo Tedeschi, President of the European Association of Via Francigene, Ilaria Bartoletti, responsible for Romea Strata, Dana Danova, Chair of the Steering Committee of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius, and Martin Peterka, Project Manager of the Association.
18th June 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece
This jubilee year, commemorating 1160 years since the arrival of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Great Moravia, can be celebrated, for example, by performing a cycling tour. Forty Moravian pilgrims set off from distant Thessaloniki to Velehrad on 18 June 2023 and will end their 1800 km long pilgrimage at the Days of People of Good Will at Velehrad on 4 July, the day before the national pilgrimage.
They will visit places such as Ohrid, Skopje, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Pecs, Zalavár, Nitra and Kopčany. The event started with a Holy Mass at the Basilica in Velehrad on 16th June 2023, after which the pilgrims boarded the bus that will take them to Thessaloniki.
22th – 26th May 2023, Zlín, Czech Republic / Trondheim, Norway
Last week, representatives of the European Cultural Route of Sts. Cyril and Methodius established cooperation with the association developing the St. Olav Ways in Norway and other Nordic countries. A delegation headed by the association’s Chair and Deputy Governor Lubomír Traub, including staff from the association and representatives of the Moravian and Slovak regions, headed to its centre in Trondheim, formerly Nidaros.
The study visit in Trondheim was made possible thanks to the project “International cooperation in the field of sustainable development of cultural trails” implemented by the EKSCM association within the framework of the initiative Support for bilateral cooperation under the EEA and Norway Grants.
The City of Thessaloniki Welcomes Cooperation On the Cyril and Methodius Route
12th May 2023, Zlín / Thessaloniki, Greece
The development of the Cyril and Methodius Route was the subject of a meeting of representatives of the Zlín Region and the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius Association in the Greek city of Thessaloniki on 3-4 May. A meeting of members, partners and supporters of the Cyril and Methodius Route was held for the first time at the city hall. Participants came from the Czechia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Greece, with others joining online. On the Greek side, the meeting was attended by Ms Maria Karagianni, Deputy Mayor of Thessaloniki, Ms Maria Tatagia, Director of the Thessaloniki History Centre, and Ms Margarita Lioulia, representative of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport, Vice-Chair of the Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
The International Association European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius holds its General Assembly in the Slavic apostles' birthplace - Thessaloniki
26th April 2023 – Zlín, Czech Republic / Thessaloniki, Greece
The European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius is holding a General Assembly of its members in the Greek port city of Thessaloniki on 4 May 2023, with the participation of its members, partners and supporters. The City of Thessaloniki has been a member of the international association ECRSCM since 2015 and is hosting a meeting of its members for the first time. Thessaloniki will welcome representatives of members from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria. On the Greek side, the meeting will be attended by Maria Karagianni, Deputy Mayor of Thessaloniki, and Margarita Lioulia, representative of the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport, who also represents Greece in the Programme Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe.
The Cyril and Methodius Route aims to arouse the interest of school children in the Glagolitic alphabet, the heritage of Great Moravia
15th March 2023 – Zlín, Czech Republic
How to arouse the interest of today’s schoolchildren in the Glagolitic alphabet, the script that Constantine and Methodius brought to Great Moravia 1160 years ago? This will be the theme of the conference “THE WAY TO WRITING”, which will be organised by the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius in the Jesuit cellar in Staré Město near Uherské Hradiště on 23 March 2023.
Representatives of the association will present the activities of the Cyril and Methodius Route and the results of a cross-border project aimed at cooperation between artists and primary school pupils. Several artists are involved in the project – ac. sculp. Daniel Ignác Trubač from Polešovice, ac. sculptor. Milan Opalka from Terchová and artist Jozef Vydrnák from Dubnice nad Váhom.
Cyril-Methodius celebration for Slovak natives in Nová Belá on the Spiš region in Poland
11th – 12th February 2023 – Nová Belá, Poland
This year we commemorate the 1160th anniversary of the arrival of St. Cyril and St. Methodius to our ancestors. On February 14th, this year is the 1154 anniversary of the death of St. Cyril. The nongovernmental organisation CYRILOMETODIADA, the Association of Slovaks in Poland, and the PRO PATRIA Foundation cordially invite you to the Cyril-Methodius celebration for Slovak natives in Nová Belá on the Spiš region in Poland.
Our programme starts on Saturday, February 11th at 16.00 with the opening of the philatelic exhibition Living Cyrillo-Methodius Heritage, the author of which is the philatelist Mr. Jozef Kútny from Močenok, Slovakia. The exhibition will take place in the Centre of Slovak Culture in Nová Belá (Nowa Biala).
Artists prepared creative activities with the theme of Glagolitic for children from primary schools
13th December 2022 – Boršice, Czech Republic
16th December 2022 – Terchová, Slovakia
The Association ECRCM is implementing a one-year (4/2022-3/2022) cross-border project “Cyril and Methodius Route – Culture and Education without Borders” supported by the Small Projects Fund of the Programme Interreg V-A Slovakia-Czech Republic aimed at making school and after-school education about the legacy of Great Moravia more attractive and intensifying cooperation with the younger generation and contemporary artists who consistently focus on the Cyril and Methodius legacy in their work. The theme of the activities is to promote knowledge and creative work with the Glagolitic alphabet, the first script created by Constantine-Cyril to record the Slavic language.
Marking of another trail of the Cyril and Methodius Route in the Czech Republic completed: Svatý Kopeček - Olomouc (UNESCO) - Kroměříž (UNESCO) - Velehrad
11th November 2022
Olomouc, Czech Republic
The marking of the long-distance hiking trail Svatý Kopeček u Olomouce – Velehrad, which is 109 km long, has been completed. Pavel Přílepek, head of the markers of the Czech Hiking Club, informed the secretariat of the European Cultural Route of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Zlín on 11 November 2022. It is another of a set of Cyril and Methodius Route centred on Velehrad, namely the so-called Archbishop’s Route, which leads through the flat Haná River and around the Morava River and through Chřiby. In 2023, this marked trail is to be extended from Svatý Kopeček through Šternberk to Opava (in the direction of Częstochowa in Poland), again using existing KČT walking trails. The marking of the Cyril and Methodius Route in cooperation with the KČT has been carried out since 2018 on the basis of a framework agreement on marking the maintenance of pilgrimage trails of the Cyril and Methodius Route.